Thursday, October 31, 2013


I'm going to have to close my drapes this afternoon.  Just too much sun shining in here.  Not complaining, though.

I printed out the picture of the penguins I posted yesterday and put it on my door.  Today, the housekeeper who usually cleans my apartment commented on how much he liked it, and I offered to print one for him to give to his son.

My next door neighbor, Nancy, came home from the hospital yesterday.  Her daughter, Karen, has been with her most of the day.  I'm told she had pneumonia, in addition to her heart acting up.

One of the things I threw out and didn't move here was my sourdough starter.  I should have brought it.  I am making my own starter, and it is bubbling away on the counter.  Kind of sad that I threw that out.  It got its start over on the reservation over 150 years ago.  Tracy's great grandmother had it, and she probably got it from someone else.  
I found this on the Internet, but it said "dog."  So I spent a little time with Photoshop and changed it to "cat".



  1. My sourdough starter got left behind at a rest stop somewhere in Oklahoma. Whoever found it must have thought....hmmm.
