Friday, November 1, 2013

Friday It's November!

I haven't even been outside yet today.  But it snowed a little last night while it was still kind of warm, then it froze.  Barrie said all the streets in town are solid ice.
Barrie, her friend Benny, and Kasey came yesterday afternoon.  Benny took KC down the hall with her bag to collect trick or treat candy, while Barrie and I stayed here looking at photos on the computer.  I'm not sure what Kasey was dressed as.  She wore a princess/fairy dress over her blue jeans and white turtleneck.  She wore necklaces.  She also wore tall black boots and a pirate eye patch. 
They took KC down town to go trick or treating, then brought her back after supper, and she spent the night.
Benny, Barrie, and Kasey looking at photos on the computer.

This is what Benny looked like when they brought KC back after supper.  SCARY!  Barrie refused to wear a costume.


  1. Your description of Kasey's costume gave me my laugh of the day. It sounds like a kid-created outfit & I like it! But, wait.... What? No snowsuit??

  2. she was a princess pirate!

  3. Of course! Princess Pirate! How could I miss that?
