Friday, February 21, 2014


I watched an old movie last night that I have seen before, but it's been a long time.  Thoroughly enjoyed it.  I took a screen shot of the ending.  Do you recognize it?

I got an early start on the day.  Well, early for me anyway.  Maybe I will get some drawing or painting done.

We got just enough snow during the night that the poor guys working on the roof of the new apartments have to sweep the snow off.
I went to the small discussion group that meets in the Heritage Room every week.  It's always Wyoming history related, mostly Sublette County, and usually pretty interesting.  Yesterday we talked about the big flood on the New Fork River that happened in the 1930's.
George asked me if I remembered the radio newsman who always said "And now for the rest of the story . . . "  Of course I could remember it, but not the name of the man.  It took about 15 seconds to Google it when I got back to my apartment.  How could I have forgotten Paul Harvey??
There has been something going around on Facebook called "Throwback Thursday".  From what I can tell, people post old photos from their past.  I found this one I composed several years ago.
 The first one is of my cousin Bob and me at our Granddad's farm.  I think it was during the war, and maybe my mother couldn't afford to buy enough fabric to make my dresses long enough to cover me.  Also, unless I'm mistaken, I'm wearing white high top shoes.
The second photo was taken about forty years later at a family reunion in the Black Hills.  We remembered the first picture because we argued about who got to hold the puppy. We staged the second photo and I still got to hold the puppy!  Also, my knobby knees are covered.


  1. That would be "Thelma AND Louise"

  2. Thelma & Louise is one of the 50 cent videos I bought from Great Outdoors sale last summer. I think every young woman should watch it - it says a lot about abusive men.
    The always thought the last scenes were filmed near the Goosenecks. Anyway, not at the Grand Canyon itself.
    Love the old pics - knobby knees & all.
