Thursday, February 20, 2014


It's getting pretty bad when the housekeeper has to wake you up in the morning to clean your apartment!  Actually, I was awake earlier, but my bed wouldn't let go of my back. 
Anyway, I am up, had my coffee, sitting in a nice clean apartment, and my supper is in the crockpot,  And it's not even noon yet!
The stakes are getting high on the Canada-U.S hockey games.  Here is a billboard I saw online:
The ad read "winner wins a case of beer, loser keeps Bieber".  Now that's funny!
They're busy as a hill of ants over at the new apartments.  They are putting what looks  like big sheets of foam insulation on the roof.  They lifted big stacks of it up on the roof with a big fork lift a couple days ago.  They've got a lot of roof left to do.  They've been working two days just on the roof of the entrance. Haven't even started on the apartment wings.
I'm listening to my Kevin Costner playlist on my iPod.   I love his music, and wish he would make another album.  I've only seen him sing in one of his movies.

1 comment:

  1. Now that we are home & have internet, I'm catching up.
    Love the Bermuda Triangle bird. That is so me! If I want to remember something I have to tell it to Rollie. He remembers everything.

    I agree, the Bieber display is fuuuuunny!

    I feel a bit sorry for those carpenters having to work outside in winter in Wyoming. Brrrr.
