Wednesday, February 19, 2014


It is so icy, and I try to be extremely careful if I'm outside. 

Barrie went to the drugstore for me yesterday, and brought me some beer from the liquor store.  She hadn't fed yet, so she and KC didn't stay long.

This morning I gathered up my art stuff and walked all the way to the front door of the building, only to find my pickup wasn't in the parking lot.  So I came back to the apartment and looked out the side door.  Sure enough, Barrie had parked my truck there.  It's really icy out there, but I got in the truck and found it has new windshield wipers.  Ah Barrie!  You are so good at the "care and feeding of Grandma"!  

There were four of us in art group this morning.  I worked on the colored pencil portrait again.  It is sure slow going.
I was accidently social yesterday.  I walked down to get my mail just as people were gathering for coffee and cookies.  They had a welcoming party for new residents.  They left a note in my mail about it several days ago, but I had thrown it away and forgot all about it.  It would have been pretty rude to just leave, so I stayed.  It was kind of enjoyable, actually.  But it's kind of uncomfortable to be with a group of people who can't hear each other.  Makes for some interesting and confusing conversations.