Monday, March 17, 2014


I'm watching big beautiful snow flakes falling outside my window this morning.  There's a bit of wind blowing, so it is probably blowing a gale out of town.  I doubt if this snowstorm lasts too long.

Today is St Patrick's Day, and also the birthday of my wonderful niece, Teri.  She's the one on the left, Tracy is in the center, and Sheri is on the right. 
You would have to remember the old TV show "Fantasy Island" to appreciate the humor of this.


  1. Tracy, you are so cute! All those curls. What is your animal's name? I remember 'De Plane! De Plane!'. How do people think up these things? LOL

  2. I have no idea who that animal is. It must have belonged to Teri and Sheri.
