Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Other than a brief 15 minute blizzard yesterday, we didn't get snow.  It is overcast today and looks like it might do the same.

I wore myself out yesterday by going to the grocery store, the liquor store, and the recycling center.  It took me three trips to get everything from the truck into the apartment, using my little wheeled cart.  That's why I like to park by this side door.
I wish the world would quit trying to confuse me.  I bought two zucchini yesterday.  Nothing to it, right?  After I put the groceries away and looked over the ticket, I discovered I had bought two cucumbers. 
 I got them out and checked, and darn it, these ARE zucchini, but I paid for cucumbers.  I have no idea which cost more.
Once several years ago, I did buy cucumbers when I thought I was getting zucchini, but I would like to think I'm a little smarter now.
I've been using the new program, Paint Shop Pro.  It has so much more fun stuff than Photoshop.  Here is one of the many frames included.  Cute on a drawing I did of Bogie several years ago.



  1. Was the zucchini higher priced than the cucumbers, or the other way around?
    I'm pretty sure that the cashiers should know the difference between the two.

    Nice looking program you have there.

    HA! we are warmer than you are today. It is usually the other way around. We still have some pretty high and big snow banks all around.
    I'm guessing spring will be here in about 4 or 5 more weeks.

  2. I think you could start up a little business with the photo program. Every once in awhile I have a good picture with some flaw in it - you'd be the one to call on!
    You could have done wonders with Flat Stanley! You could have put him on top of a Joshua Tree or in the middle of the Vegas Strip or even walking across the Hoover Dam.
    You're an amazing person.

  3. Judi is right.
    I might have to get that program myself. I had one years ago that I liked...like 15 years ago...but I don't remember what it was. I put people in saghauros etc.
