Monday, March 24, 2014


First day of spring break for Kasey, and I knew she would be here early, about 7:30.  Barrie sneaks her in quietly with something to do so she won't wake me up.  She needn't have worried this morning.  The fire alarm went off in the hallway in front of my apartment at 6:30 AM.  Goofy thing.  I did go back to sleep, but woke up when Kasey got here.

The iPad was all charged up, but she decided she wanted to paint, so the table is set up for watercolors.  After she painted a while, we went outside.

Kasey spent some time climbing her favorite tree in front of Sublette Center. Most of the snow that is left is set up so much that she can walk on top of it without falling through.

Finally!!  We watched three robins out my windows this morning.  Everyone else has  seen them, but these are the first I've seen.
I thought I had pretty much gotten rid of things I don't need, but today I took the George Foreman grill and all the extra plates out of the cupboards, and James took them.  James is one of the housekeepers here.   The grill takes up so much storage space and counter space, and I don't use it that much.  I think I will get a small, compact waffle iron.  I liked the shiskabobs I made in it, but stir fry works just as well for me.   


  1. Cute picture of Kasey & the tree. What long legs!
    Those George Foreman grills are one of the most-donated items at the Food Basket. At any given time there are usually a dozen of them for sale.
    I know where there's a nice waffle iron someone generously gave me, but it is not 'small'.

  2. I haven't seen a robin you are ahead of me.
