Sunday, March 23, 2014


Kasey was here yesterday afternoon.  One of her teachers has an iPad and was using it at school to make videos.  So of course Kasey wanted to do that.  We didn't figure out how to make videos, but she gave it a workout taking pictures.  I think she took ten pictures of her glass of milk.

And a dozen or so pictures of Kat sleeping on the bed.

There must be a drawing program on the iPad that Kasey has been using and learned how to save the pictures.  There were about thirty of them in the picture album.

I spent some time this morning going through all the pictures and deleting most of them.  I'm sure glad KC enjoys the iPad.  I never use it!

It may be spring, but it was only 3° when I got up this morning.  I forgot and left my little herb garden trapped between the glass and the drape.  They are not happy with me this morning.


  1. And it doesn't look like it going to warm up very much today. I see it is 9 above in Pinedale at 10:30 this morning.

  2. My iPad has a 'Videos' program that came with it. It's separate from 'Photo Booth' and 'Camera'. I have an APP called 'Dragon Dictation' that the g-kids love. They talk into it & then listen to their own voice. They especially like to go back to the ones they recorded years ago.
    80 degrees here yesterday. Sorry.
