Saturday, March 22, 2014


Something is happening to my sleep schedule. For some reason, I am getting sleepy earlier at night, and have gotten up at 7:30 for the last two days.  That's against all my rules!  Although, the sun is up by then.

I woke up this morning with an urge for biscuits.  I haven't made a decent biscuit for a very long time now.  I tried a new recipe this morning, and VIOLA!  I ended up with tall, fluffy biscuits that even tasted good! That recipe is a keeper.

The painting of Fremont Lake I finished a few days ago has gone back to the shop for repairs.  After looking at it across the living room for a couple days, I decided it needed more work.  If I ruin it, so be it.  I have lots of paper.
I saw a book on Amazon titled "The Past Never Ends".  Those words have been on my mind for several weeks now. What an intriguing thought!
Amazon has a program called "Unbox" enabling users who have a video account to download their videos to the hard drive of their computer.  Then you can watch those movies without Wi-Fi.  I have a huge hard drive, so have chosen a few movies to download.  I'll probably never need to watch a movie without being on the internet, but who knows?


  These ravens are enjoying spring.  They are really loud and boisterous. 
Several people are seeing robins, bluebirds, Sand Hill Cranes, geese, and blackbirds.  There aren't many birds here.

1 comment:

  1. Even though I do not like biscuits, those look so good, I think I would try one.
    Good job!
