Monday, May 5, 2014


Every day I tell myself to watch for interesting things to photograph so I will have something to post on my blog.  And every day, I don't listen to myself.

This looks yummy, but I have no idea how it will taste. I took beans out of the freezer yesterday, and they are begging for corn bread to go with them.  I'm not crazy about corn bread, and mine is never very good.  I found a recipe for corn bread for the bread machine, and tried it today.  Just took it out of the oven.  I never let the bread machine bake my bread, but bake it in the oven.  Works so much better for me.

Beautiful, quiet, partly cloudy day.  I have the windows open.  The Weather Underground web page says we have 20 inches of snow in Pinedale!  It also says to expect rain and snow starting Wednesday.

I was looking online for a knitting basket, or something to put my knitting in.  I have this great old bowl sitting on top of the kitchen cabinets that I think will work perfectly.  I bought this years ago in Lander, after I was married but before Tracy was born.  I needed something large enough to bake bread.  It has moved five or six times, and is still in excellent condition. 

I will either have Barrie get it down for me next time she is here, or ask somebody here who is tall to reach it for me.

Well, I'm on my way down the hall for my daily date with the exercise bike.  I would never use the equipment I had at the house in the same room with me, just kept putting it off.  I guess it feels more important and serious to have to walk down the hall to use it.
I'm doing four miles every day, but can't tell that my legs are any stronger.

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