Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Knitting today.  And reading.  I have my Daniel Smith palette out and the box of paints.  I need to go through what I've got and maybe order some new tubes of paint.  Gee, I hate that!  I just ordered some new, softer, lead for my mechanical pencils.  Sometimes that's all it takes to get me back to work - something new.

This is just a little confusing!

I watched a disturbing movie last night, "August:  Osage County".  Julia Roberts and Meryl Streep were in it.  I like both those actresses and thought it would be good.  It's about a totally dysfunctional family, parents and grown children, who all come together when the father drowns himself.   A little too intense for me.
A friend posted this on Facebook.  Enjoyed it.

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