Saturday, May 31, 2014


Kasey's birthday was the 24th, but she is having a party at PAC with a few friends this afternoon.  Barrie stopped to put packages in my pickup, and while she was doing that, both Dotty and Spur took off.  Spur came back when she called, but not Dotty.  She walked to Ridley's parking lot, calling her and looking for her.  A cop had Dotty on a leash at Sugar Shack and heard Barrie calling her.  So they were all united, and Barrie was embarrassed.  I thought it was quite clever of Dotty to find a cop when she was lost!

 I gave Kasey money for her birthday to buy flowers for her planters in the yard. But yesterday, I gave her a very expensive toy - a cardboard box.  Yes, it's true.  A kid will play with a cardboard box as long as they last.  This one ended up in the dumpster at the end of the day, after giving its all.

I found out yesterday that Betty Jo H. broke her hip, had surgery, and is now in the nursing wing.  I haven't seen her.
I was tempted to sign up for an on-line class on painting photorealistic water colors.  Then I stepped back and slapped myself.  My goal is to paint looser, not tight and controlled.  Got past that crisis without spending any money!


1 comment:

  1. Betty Jo's kids packed up all her 'stuff' and donated it to the Food Basket. I heard she moved to the Jackson medical wing.
    Love the box idea. Cadence is arriving on her birthday - Maybe I should look for a good-sized box.
