Friday, May 30, 2014


Kasey arrived at 7:30 this morning to spend the day. I leave the door unlocked for her, she comes in, starts the coffee pot, opens the drapes, and gets the iPad.  What a difficult child! 

She forgot to bring the cookies I sent home with her last time she was here, but I happened to have some graham crackers, which hit the spot. 

They turned on the sprinklers here this morning.  The lawn and the mature trees look great, but the flower beds are pathetic.  They are choked with weeds, grass, and dandelions.  I think they didn't budget much for the care of them because they were planning on tearing down this building.  So the flower beds have been neglected.
And I have missed seeing Boo and Maggie around here, the two Border Collies who belong to Ken, the maintenance man.  When I asked him why Sublette Center didn't want the dogs in the building any more, he told me it was a certain person who worked for the city.  Seems she didn't approve, so the dogs have been kicked out. 
Someone is on a power trip, I think.  I guess because we are a public building, she can do that.  I wonder about all the dogs that visit the nursing wing, used as therapy.  I hope they are immune to her whims.
This is Clyde, Kasey's cat.  Seems he has gone on a "walkabout".  I know a lot of cats tend to wander around in the spring.  I hope he comes home soon.  He is neutered, so he isn't just out tomcatting.

1 comment:

  1. Kasey is so independent and self-entertaining!
