Thursday, May 29, 2014


Art group was nice yesterday.  Judi, Vicky, Lenore and I were there, and we had such a good time visiting.  And we all accomplished something.  So nice that Vicky is able to paint a little now.

My neighbor caught me sitting in the big room while my apartment was being cleaned.  And of course she made me promise to attend the "Word Therapy" session this afternoon.  If I told her I didn't want to come, I think I would feel like I was kicking a puppy.
Then I went into the dining room for a coffee refill, and got trapped again by people who were wanting to talk. 
 The neurotic cat has maybe been pushed over the edge today. She never leaves the apartment, and today she went out in the hall with me when I started to go down to ride the exercise bike.  I kept walking, just to see how far she would go before she chickened out.  She stayed with me, and walked all the way down that long hallway, protesting every inch of the way.  She stayed in the room while I was riding the bike, and started down the hall with me when I came back.  Then she decided to just sit down and cry.  I came back to the apartment without her, and could hear her wailing.  When I came back, she had gone back into the room, and came when I called her.  She stayed right beside me.  I haven't been able to walk across the floor since them.  I have a cat wrapped around my ankles.
Have I ever mentioned that Barrie has made me promise I won't die until after the cat dies?
Tracy posted this picture of the view from the deck at their new house.  Very nice!


  1. Kat is a beautiful little girl. She is getting very brave! Such good company.

  2. Good for Kat!!! And Tracy's view is incredible! And you Duene are awesome...just love your blog!

  3. Kat is a wonder. So is Tracy and Paul's verdant view!
