Sunday, June 8, 2014


Although I didn't think California Chrome could really do it, I was rooting for him all the way.  I wish they hadn't interviewed his owner right after the race.  He came off looking really bad, even if what he said might be true. 


Tracy called yesterday.  Her last day working for the Summit Co. Sheriff's Department was last week.  She  had applied for a position with the Eagle River Fire Protection District, but didn't get the job.  But they notified her and offered her the job.  So instead of a nice vacation, she has only five days. 

She and Paul are going to Aspen for the weekend, then it's back to work for her!


Substitute the word "cat" for "dog" and this describes me perfectly!

I started a new painting and forgot that I don't get along well with the heavy, 300 lb. paper.  I know it's better than what I usually use, but I'm not used to it and am getting unexpected (but not good) results.   
I know people who collect and read Louie L'Amour books, but I have never read them.  And I've only read one Zane Gray book that I can remember.  But I downloaded a Louie L'Amour book to my Kindle yesterday.  I almost hope I don't like it.  The man was a prolific writer, and it would take me years to read all his work! 


  1. Sorry to say, if you like Zane's novels, you will like Louie's books also.
    I like them both.
    So get busy and start reading.

  2. Did you see the news about Bill W (Calvin & Hobbes) drawing for "Pearls Before Swine"?
