Friday, June 6, 2014

Sunny Side Up

Yea, it's pretty bad when you post a photo of your breakfast.  I thought using rings cut from a green pepper was a great idea.  It was, but the egg white leaked out between the pepper and the skillet, and kind of ruined the effect.  I kind of expected that though.

They are digging and moving dirt from in front of the front entry at the new apartments today.  There are two men (not wearing hard hats) who look like they are carefully examining every scoop of dirt before they haul it away.  Are they looking for bones, or maybe gold?
I was told by a resident here that she is waiting to hear from a man at Shoshoni about building a medicine wheel  at the new apartments.  I think she meant waiting on someone from Ft. Washakie which is where the Shoshone tribal headquarters is.
Anyway, the local self proclaimed expert on everything here began to explain.  He says you can't cover a medicine wheel with a roof or it will lose its powers.  And he says white men shouldn't try to make one.
From what I have researched, the Indians actually don't know any more about the medicine wheel than the white man does.  No one is sure if it even has any powers.  Some day, thousands of years from now, someone will find a recliner chair in perfect condition, and wonder about its powers and its use.  Or maybe a weather vane? 

1 comment:

  1. Your eggs look quite clever....and delicious.
    There is a big medicine wheel on the Sommers' ranch & a tiny, perfect one near the Price ranch. Maybe Barrie saw the little one when she worked for them.
