Wednesday, June 4, 2014


The one little humming bird who visited my feeder yesterday, I think was just passing through.  Probably on its way to Charm's house.  I used to take fabulous photos of hummers - sat outside in the shade with my big lens on the camera, and just waited for them to come.

 Besides feeders, I also planted flowers that attracted them.

This little guy used to come to the feeder on the front porch at the house, then fly up to a dead branch in the old pine tree.  I would photograph him out the bedroom window.

I don't see any flowers planted here that are attractive to humming birds. 

I have disabled the touchpad on my computer and am using the mouse.  I think the touchpad has died, or is  in the process of it.
I wish I had taken my camera to art group with me today.  Vicky finished a beautiful painting and actually displayed it on the wall! We usually can't talk her into putting things up.  I would like to photograph it so you all can see it.
Yes, I do this.  And parts of poems, limericks and punch lines of jokes.


  1. What amazing hummingbird photos. I had my camera and forgot to take a picture of Vicky's art.

  2. Fantastic pictures, Duene! And, yes, do take a picture of Vicky's painting.
