Tuesday, June 3, 2014


It's kind of a lazy do-nothing kind of day.  I love days like this. 

There was one humming bird at the new feeder this morning, very briefly.  I don't know what kind it was, but I think it was a female.  I guess I just have to be patient.

I'm thinking seriously of making some chicken salad today.  I have all the makings.  But I haven't progressed past the thinking stage yet.

I went out this morning specifically to walk down the sidewalk far enough to take a picture of these trees.  They are just gorgeous.  I presume they are a flowering crab tree.  I can see them from my window, but there is a stand of quakie trees in front of them. 

In keeping with my habit of not finishing anything I start, I am working on a new, small pencil drawing of a chickadee.  I'll eventually finish those other projects, but what's the point, if I'm not enjoying the time I spend on them right now?

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