Saturday, July 12, 2014


I should feel almost unpatriotic.  I'm not even making the effort to go out to the street to watch the tail end of the Rendezvous Parade.  Instead, I'm going to get the antelope drawing transferred to the drawing paper and get started on it.

I guess I've attended more than enough Rendezvous activities over the last forty or so years.  Good memories of some fun times. 

I always get a kick out of some of the research projects and studies that are done on the strangest things.  This one has to top the "strange list".

A new study at the University of Exeter suggests that smelling farts could prevent disease and even cancer.

The study, published in the Medicinal Chemistry Communications journal, found that flatulence could be a key factor in treating diseases.

I bent the frame on the screen on my living room window trying to get it off.  Yesterday, a professional carpet cleaner was working in the apartment across the lawn from me.  He had taken the window screen out for his big hose.  After he left I noticed he really bent the heck out of the window screen.  Made me feel a little better.
Almost had a disaster with the new refrigerator.  After a few  hours I opened the door and noticed the light was out.  The guys had accidently unplugged it when they pushed it into place.  I pulled it out a bit and discovered the cord was about two inches too short to reach the plugin.  I moved an extension bar over there and got things going again.
As someone who loves bacon, I thought this was a cute picture.
Kasey won't be riding a sheep at the rodeo this year, but Barrie wants to get her entered in the calf riding at the Fair Rodeo.  Kasey is excited about it.
She turned her butterflies loose in their yard yesterday.
Watching for voles is very tiring. Kat doesn't pay a lot of attention to the hummingbirds, but the voles sure keep her occupied.



  1. WE saw Barry and Kasey there and had a nice visit.

  2. Is the Univ of Exeter a real place? That really does take the cake. I read your comment to Cadence & Elliana and they seemed to enjoy it!

  3. I pretty sure it is in England.
