Sunday, July 13, 2014


I got my laundry done this morning.  And something has occurred to me.  I always use a dryer sheet, but I never find one when I take the clothes out of the dryer.  What happens to them?  I have a bad feeling that they are falling out of the bottom of my pant leg when I am out in public, causing people to laugh at me. 

This is amusing.  A very appropriate question for Rendezvous weekend.
As soon as the mozzarella cheese melts, I am making a big pan of lasagna.  I'll eat one meal, have one meal of leftovers, and freeze enough to last for a month or more.  An easy way to cook for the month.
Barrie took this picture of Kasey at the rodeo last night.  Looks like my grand daughter is flirting with all the cute cowboys.