Friday, August 15, 2014


Well, my feet have touched the ground for a day or two anyway.  I have ben sent to the Oncology Center at the Jackson Hopital for more tests, more scans and talking.  Yes, Lung Cancer.  I finally have the need for one of those appointment/Calendars.  I will have a biopsy done Friday, then back to the oncology department at the hospital on Monday or Tuesday.

I tried to contact relatives and friends earlier this week so you won't be taken off guard when someone else writes it on a wall.  Please share this with everyone you might think knows me.  I know it can be embarrassing to someone if they make a remark that might seem rude because they didn't know.

This is where I live!!

I'm so lucky Barrie has such a terrific boss.  Susie will do everything she can to make sure Barrie is available to drive me to Jackson.
And Tracy wants me to come to Colorado and stay with them.  One of the best Cancer Centers in the country is located very close to where she works.  I haven't even had a treatment yet, and don't know what kind of treatments I will have or how often.  But it's nice to have options, and kids who care about you.
New cat in the apartments!  When Barrie and KC left to go home, a man was walking a cat on a long leash down the hall.  Of course Kasey immediately got acquainted.  He's a young cat, very pretty, and very loving.  Kasey was smitten.  Should have taken a picture and enlarged it to show to my cat!


  1. Geez...I can't decide...I am sorry that you have to deal with the big C, but you have such a great attitude and such great kids to help... that part makes me happy! I will be thinking good thoughts and sending them your way! Let's hope for easy treatments!!

  2. You'll be in our prayers, Duene. If you need help with anything please call.

  3. Duene I'm so sick about this as I told you earlier. I'm hoping I can help somehow. Love you.

  4. N0, NO, NO, That is not fair to a great Lady like you.
    Anyways, here is to thinking good thoughts for you.
