Thursday, August 21, 2014


To all my friends and family, you probably think I am ignoring you, and you're right, I am!  I really do appreciate the calls from all of you and offers to help.  I will do doubt be calling on some of you.

Tomorrow is my third appointment in one week in Jackson at the hospital.  I am hoping all the testing is done - all the needles, tubes, beeping machines, nurses with cold hands, clothes with no back, cold feet, etc.  Well, you know.

I have an appointment tomorrow to discuss it all with the doctor and decide what kind of treatment, how often, etc.  At least that's what I hope happens.Then maybe my life can settle into some kind of order. 

Boy, could I have fun with all this if I could reach it!  Yes, I was bored.


  1. I hope you call on me. Love you lots.

  2. Only you can make a bunch of wires & tubes & a screen an interesting photo!
    I'm glad Barrie is there for you. We will wait until you need us.

  3. Not very often do I get to say "I know how you feel" and it be absolutely true. I went through this earlier in Spring. Waiting to hear what someone thinks you should do and then not always really saying anything. I hope yours is more concrete. From what I have heard of you--You have a wonderful spirit to endure this and overcome. Ginni Myers (Judi's DIL) I enjoy your blog!!!

  4. Have been thinking of you daily and checking your blog for the latest. ♥♥♥

  5. Yes. we missed you very much.
    We really don't know how good we have it when we have good health.
    Oh sure we have some aches and pains, but generally we don't realize how good we have it.
