Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Things to do today

Number one on my list of things to do today:

  1. Get up early to watch beautiful sunrise
  2. Turn on fireplace because it's chilly in here
  3. Sit on couch and blissfully ignore smoke filling the air
Well, I got all that done.  Tracy has called the fireplace man to come.  That was the first time it has been used for more than just turning it on to see if it worked.  It took about 30 minutes to fill the room with smoke, and the smoke alarm never went off.  I will not charge Paul and Tracy for testing it out for them.

Tracy plans on taking me to the Verizon store after we go to Shaw today and get a new phone.  I have cancelled everything I had with Century Tel.  Barrie called yesterday, and I told her I am going to learn to text.  Kasey already knows how, of course.
This watercolor painting hangs in the hallway at the Shaw Center.  I had Tracy photograph it for me yesterday.  Eye Candy.  I love this artist's style and colors.


  1. Not a good way to smoke, Duene!!!
    Love the water color you posted.

  2. The watercolor is delightful, but I just got done watching videos of the CA wildfires and for all the world, those trees could be the ones in the video! I can even see a couple faint firefighters on the left.
    What is wrong with me????
