Tuesday, September 16, 2014


"I don't always go to WalMart... but when I do, I'm reminded that I have hit the genetic lottery."

This is from my friend, Alan Berge, in Wyoming.  Thanks, Alan!  I hadn't been to a Walmart in a long time, and just sat in the car and watched the parking lot.  I have a new walker ordered, so when it comes and is ready, look out Walmart!  Tracy has to take me.  And yes, I am taking my camera!

And taking a camera to Walmart sounds like a good way to start!

I had my first chemo treatment and first radiology yesterday.  It took a long time, of course, but no pain, and so far no after effects that I'm aware of.  I took both my kindle reader and some knitting, and got in a good nap.  I will have radiology every day, and chemo once a week.  The radiology only takes a few minutes.
I am having my land phone, internet, and email account from CenturyTel turned off the end of the month. I called them this morning.  I have discovered something when dealing with places like that who are usually so difficult to deal with.  First thing, tell them you have cancer and let your voice tremble a little bit.  They immediately turn into a helpful person who speaks perfect English, and give you the assistance you need without many questions!  Keep that in mind.
I have discovered something else.  You remember the old prayer (I think it is a prayer) about fear of "things that go bump in the night?"  Well, that "bump" is actually just the ice maker in the big fridge/freezer in the bar, kicking out ice cubes!  No need to be afraid. 


Tracy brought me this little planter full of succulents last week.  Aren't they beautiful?  They may be in trouble, though.  She thinks she brought home some of those pesky little flies that like to come home with from you from places like Walmart and the grocery stores.  I hope not.
For those of you who read my blog, I will now be using my google email account, which, is duene7@gmail.com.  You may be getting notification of this more than once, but the old account will be cancelled as of next week, and don't want to miss anyone. 


  1. So good to read your blog today. I am amazed how you are handling all this. Go girl.

  2. Glad to see your blog is up! I still remember the first time my mother used one of the electric carts at Walmart. There was a bit of Parnelli in her. People WILL get out of your way.
    Love you!
