Thursday, October 9, 2014


Tracy took one look at the new orange hat I got yesterday, and said "That has got to be potentially the ugliest hat I have ever seen."  Okay, I just ate the macaroni and cheese she made me and shut up.  She's right, of course.

Great news, and some not so great from the doctor yesterday.  The tumor has shrunk 43% but we won't know for a couple more treatments yet how much damage has been done to the spinal chord.  We do know it hasn't spread. 

Still having problems keeping medications straight, and under control. 

Paul and Tracy are going camping this weekend, and I have given in (finally) and agreed to having the PT send in an aide to be with me part time.  I know it will be easier for them to know someone is here when they are gone and out of cell phone range.  Don't know for sure why I was so against it.  Stubborn old lady.


  1. TAKE A SELFIE! Your fans want to see this orange hat!

  2. Sounds to me that overall it was a pretty good day. And if Tracy thought the hat was ugly I can just imagine what I would have told you if you'd worn it to art Wed.

  3. It's not the hat that's ugly, it's the hunter orange color. I think she wants to make sure I don't lose her when we're out somewhere. TL

  4. Good job Duane!! You are kicking the big C's ass and doing it in style (ugly orange hat)! Sounds just right to me!

    Love ya!

  5. I agree with Betty. What's wrong with hunter orange? I have one that has PETA written on it. People for Eating Tasty Animals. I get several comments on it.

  6. I hope you wear the hat...and keep it.
    The downsizing of the tumor is great, the non spread part is awesome. Am wondering if your back pain is subsiding. Love you a lot.
