Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Managed to make myself feel a little down this morning when Judi texted me that even though Rock Rabbit's sign said it was open at 7:00, they weren't open at 7:30.  Nor was the Patio.  My friends ended up at the Stockmen's and had a good time anyway.  That made me feel a lot better.  I was looking forward to a good party!

I'll stay mad at Rock Rabbit for a while, though!

Here is a photograph of an old Buick Tracy and Paul have, taken by a friend of theirs.  Yep, it's going to be a painting one of these days.  Isn't it great?  Not sure what to do about the setting, though.  Trees, hills, old fence, mountains, desert?  Or maybe just the old stone building, roughed up and aged a little bit. 
If Tracy comes and in and catches me not eating, she'll forgive me if I'm drinking a Gator Aide, won't she?
I found a couple things this morning to make my life easier - a small notebook, a magnifying glass, my scissor sharpeners, some rubber bands and some lotion.  I need to add those things to my "nest" on the floor at the end of the couch along with the knitting.


  1. I vote for the brick building the Buick is sitting in front of. Love the "Cow Canyon" sign.

    We had a silly, laughter-filled Breakfast Party. Didn't matter where we were.
