I had such good intentions this morning. I got on the desktop
computer downstairs and started up
TurboTax to get my income tax done. By the time the program finished downloading updates, I got interested in the old photo album, and started scanning old pictures. Oh well, I can always work on the taxes tomorrow! This is NOT Attention
Deficit Disorder. It as called "An Attitude." I can do what I want when I want to do it.

This was the kitchen in the cabin at Ragged Mounatin, Colorado. The cook stove was an old gas restaurant stove. It had a griddle with space to make at least a dozen hot cakes at one time, and two ovens. Notice the freshly baked pie on the stove. Damn, I was good then! The windows looked out to the beaver pond in the front yard. The light fixture on the ceiling was never used. There was a generator, but we never used it. We had a gas refrigerator and hot water heater, and the water came from a spring up on the hill behind the cabin. We had both kerosene and Coleman lanterns.
Tracy, on the porch of the cabin. That is the old original barn door, with brands burned into it.
This is the cabin from across the beaver pond. The beaver house was on the bank of the pond right beside me. The entrance was under water, but the house itself was built on the bank. When I was beside it, I was glad they chose that location rather than our side of the pond. They stink!
The beaver used to terrorize our dogs. They would slowly swim back and forth, getting closer and closer to the dogs who were on the bank watching them. When they got close enough, they would slap their tails on the water, scaring the dogs and spashing water on them. It was pretty funny.
The cabin, with the Ragged Mountains behind. The beaver pond is on the right. I once shot a porcupine out of the upstairs window. It was the first and only thing I ever shot in my life.
Tracy, standing beside the cabin when we returned for a visit years later.
Just read that the dog who got lost on the Iditarod Trail was found, and is now back in Anchorage with his owner and the rest of the team.