When we notice Kat "sticking" to the carpet, Barrie catches her and trims her claws with the fingernail clippers. Not only does that make her mad, Barrie holds her feet and lets Kasey pet her. She hates to be petted. She growls and snarls, but she's just making noise. She doesn't fight it at all.

The Standoff. This doe was really mad at Shorty. Wish I had been quicker with the camera. She was charging toward the fence and stomping her front feet at him.
Three laptop computers in the house and only one is working. Mike can't fix the HP. He says the
touchpad will have the be replaced. But the good news is it is still under warranty.
I did the "restore system" on the Dell laptop. I seem to have gotten rid of the popups. but now I can't get it on the Inernet. But I don't think "system restore" will removed any installed programs. So nowI am on the third laptop, the oldest of them all.
And I just had that almost happen to me on the desktop this morning. All of a sudden a little box pops up telling my my computer is not safe, or something like that. I'm sure it is meant to make you think it is your virus protection program. Then it is supposedly scanning your computer and finding all kinds of spyware and other problems. That must be the time during which it puts all these files on your computer, which pop up constantly. I did some research on this on the Internet, and this is the information I found on it.
It is a counterfeit antispyware that devastates the computer world today, and bothers us endlessly Vista Antispyware usually comes up after you installed a video codec that come with Trojan, malware and virus. Vista Antivirus generates fake and misleading system popup error messages so end-users will be tricked into purchasing it.
They call it "rogue" software.