This is a place for my friends and family to keep track of what I am up to. I share my current artwork, as well as some from the past - and also my photography, including some old photos.
The Chef in My Kitchen
When I started the biscuits the other night, KC wanted to help. Barrie came in and set her up with her spoon, a big bowl, some water, and some flour. I gave her the salt and pepper shaker to add some. Then I cut some chives, and let her take the scissors and cut them off into her "pancakes".
Barrie remembers standing on a chair in Grandma Myrtle's kitchen and washing dishes.
XM Radio is cutting out - lots of interference, so iPod is playing a Johnny Cash playlist.
Okay, I asked Kasey if she wanted Kat and she did. So I told her I was giving Kat to her. She decided she was going to teach "her cat" to be petted. Well, we'll see.
I worked on the painting of an old rusty car today. I haven't ruined it so far, but it is sure going slow.
Barrie went to Kristi's house yesterday. She had clothes to give away that her little girl had outgrown. Good grief! Barrie came home with four large bags of clothes. Cute clothes and nice clothes. When she came in the door, Kasey called upstairs to me, "Grandma, you have to clean your closet!"
Kasey fed Jarvi, Shorty and Maddy at the dog lot.
I think I lost a day. Don't know how it is already Tuesday.
Kasey just came upstairs and asked me where her Momma was. She said she finished her nap, but I doubt she really went to sleep. Barrie was in the garage cutting up meat.
I'm sure you've heard "Singing in the Rain." I call this "Singing in the Dirt."
Busy morning. I put my fan away in the closet. I sprayed my watercolor paints. I looked at Facebook. Now I have to decided which book to read.
Just so much to do. (I love it)
I have been fighting with Blogger all morning trying to upload a video. It's there when I edit the post, but I don't see it when I view the post. The movie is not loaded. Whatever!
Ted Reinwald and Tally Manning were moving some cows down the Soda Lake Road. I don't think we did too much damage driving through the herd with three dogs barking in the back. Maybe caused a few cows to find their calves, which is good.
Kasey entertains herself at the dog lot while her mom feeds the sled dogs. Then Kasey waters and feeds Jarvi, Shorty, and Maddy.
Today I heard on the radio that a study shows that people with money are happier than those without.
Kasey had to gather up all her "friends" to put in her bed.
Barrie and KC are such good shoppers. A stop at the Food Basket this afternoon netted this prize. Barrie didn't even see it - Kasey found it. She's been ready for a bed for a while, but this one is special. So much better than something like a regular bed.
Kasey blowing up a balloon on the pontoon boat.
Fall trees at Half Moon Lake a few years ago.
Grand Canyon from 38,000 feet up. I rode a mule down to the river once. I just had a little cheap camera, and the only pictures I have are two I took of the wranglers.
I have about a dozen magpies hanging around my yard today. Don't know why they're here. Maybe Barrie dropped a couple of meat scraps down by the carport.
I also have two doves who are finding something good in the hard dirt of my driveway.
One easel and the wall between the big room and the dining room.