Friday, July 8, 2011


i should have known better than to wait until today to cash a check and buy some groceries. The old Mountain Men would turn over in their graves if they could see Pinedale during Rendezvous. Never saw so many tents and booths before.

It wasn't hard getting to the bank, but getting in Ridley's parking lot was a challenge. A big tanker truck pulling a pup managed to partially block both entrances, and I couldn't get around it to go the correct way in the parking lot. So, like a tourist, I drove the wrong way.

Another old ball point pen drawing from one of the old sketch books.

Barrie drew this once, coming home from Jackson. She was in the front seat, looking at the dashboard of the pickup.


JAM said...

Love the shadows on your sketch. You do mean 'Kasey' (not Barrie) drew the 2nd sketch?
I remember all the years the booths had to be local and/or Mtn Man related. Now you can buy Navajo jewelry & 'Texas Fajitas'. But, it draws the tourists.

Duene said...

No, Barrie drew it. Probably about the same age as KC is now.

Judi said...

Oh, of's from your OLD sketchbook.

Judith Angell Meyer said...

Really like this pen and ink! Another one that should be redone in watercolor!