Friday, May 29, 2009

Summer Day

Friday, May 29

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This is a small pencil drawing I just did of an owl. I sure got mixed up on the feathers.

Shorty, enjoying the summer weather in the back yard and chewing on an old antler.


Sure is a beautiful warm day today. I am almost fooled into thinking summer is here to stay, but I know it's not. My lilacs are just beginning to have a few buds, and they freeze almost every year. I think I have lived in Pinedale about 40 years, and have only seen the lilacs bloom a couple of times.

I cleaned out part of the little ditch in my back yard that helps drain the water away from the back of my house. It gets leaves and grass in it, and if I don't keep it cleaned out enough to keep the water running pretty well, I get water in my basement. I always have standing water at my back door during irrigation season, but don't usually have a problem with it getting into the basement.

I'm going to do more practice painting skies and clouds this week. I used to be able to paint really nice skies, but something is wrong. I think part of it is my paint. It has little granules in it, and that doesn't work very well. Time to clean up that palette and start with fresh paint. I have new paint of a brand that I'm not familiar with, and this might be a good time to try them.

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