Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
A long time ago, I used to enjoy a cartoon in the newspaper, but couldn't think what it was called. Thanks to dreaming about it and Google, I found a few samples of the cartoon. "Droodles" (doodle/riddles) were created in the 1950s by humorist Roger Price.
Maybe no one else sees the humor in these, but they still make me laugh.
A ship coming too late to rescue a drowning witch.
Four elephants sniffing an orange.

What is this from?
"Keep your stick on the ice."
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011

Had my own darkroom back then, and I think probably Barrie developed the film and printed this herself. The mailbox on the left is for Boroff, Roberts, and Thompson. A couple of them are old refrigerators.

Saturday, March 26, 2011
She posted this drawing to Stephen Bodio's blog (she is a regular contributor there.) Here's the link if you would like to see Stephen's blog and see what Cat wrote about the picture.
Nice compliment!
What a hard day I've had! Had to go downstairs and make my own coffee. Then I found the WD40 and sprayed the plunger on my water spray bottle. Then I made some changes on my playlists and synchronized my iPod.
Maybe I'll make my bed . . . . later.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Barrie took her camera with her when she and Kasey went to feed the dogs yesterday. I stole some pictures.
There's a small girl child in there somewhere.

Kasey and Nellie.
Kasey and Moose. He looks like he's enjoying this.
My uncle Bill (Mom's brother) died yesterday in Torrington. He would have been 98 this summer. He ranched all his life. He gave up his ranch at Hawk Springs and was living in a nursing home in Torrington.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
I've never understood that song. What did she and Billy Jo throw off the Tallahache Bridge? So I googled it. First, Bobbie Gentry admitted she did't have anything in mind when she wrote the song. She didn't even know what they threw off. The most popular idea seemed to be a baby. But now I find they made a movie of this. Billy Jo was black, and he was gay.
Okay, I'm not sure I want to know any more about the story.
A long time ago, I visited Paul and Tracy when they lived in Aspen. President Bush and Margaret Thatcher came to town, and I bought this commenorative envelope. I stood out on the highway and watched the cars come in. I'm sure Bush and Thatcher were in one of the black limosines, but the windows are dark and you can't see in them.
Got my income tax finished and e-filed today. I think I better rest now.
The people in the humor writing class have talked about a writer named Dave Barry. I downloaded one of his books to my Kindle and finished it last night. I laughed all the way through it. The name of the book I read is "Dave Barry's Complete Guide to Guys." It's a good read.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
New Artwork on display
Terry's colors in her snow picture are incredible.
Wow! Linda just whipped this one out during art group this morning. She should be proud.
Les has three beautiful oil paintings up on the wall.
Isn't this a gorgeous fish? Another one of Conley's paintings.
My horoscope just told me in so many words to stop shopping. Darn! I want a new tube of paint - that beautiful red color Linda used on her bird.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

And she's not even Irish! Kasey tells me that Mamma painted her nails green because everyone would pinch her if she wasn't wearing pink and green.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Monday March 21
Now playing on XM Radio - Alabama, "If You're Gonna Play in Texas, You Gotta Have a Fiddle in the Band."
First Day of Spring

The ABC News on my Yahoo page listed three news items, all videos.
- Watch: Child Killed in Family Park Accident
- Watch: College Student Gets Sucker Punched
- Watch: Tiger Woods New Girl Friend
I think I can live without watching any of those.
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I am taking an online class on humor writing. So the next time you see me, I should be really funny. Be prepared.
Just read on the internet that Sandra Bullock contributed 1 million dollars to the Japan earthquake relief. I remember she did the same thing after the big earthquake in the Indian Ocean in 2004 and the destructive Tsunami resulting from that.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
I watched "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid the other day. I've seen it before, but not for a long time. Great movie.
Tracy's Grandad LeClair had stories about Butch. His father, Edmo, had been an Indian Scout and a US Marshall through the years. The old LeClair Ranch was on the Wind River over by Riverton. Tracy's great grandad knew Butch pretty well. It seems that when Butch was on the run, he liked to stop at the LeClair Ranch in the middle of the night and trade their tired horses for fresh ones. And he always left money in Edmo's saddlebags.
He also told that Butch had come back from South America and hired him to take him up in the mountains with a pack horse. Butch took the packhorse off and came back with the packs loaded. When they got out of the mountains, he left with whatever was in the packs.
Well, the story about trading horses I believe. I'm not sure sure about him coming back from South America. After all, I just saw him killed the other night on my TV screen!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Kasey talks about buying flowers for the pots in the yard. She loves flowers. I hope Beau has her nursery again next summer.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Still in progress, but I don't have any photos to posts. This silverpoint drawing is on toned paper. I mixed a little sepia watercolor into the gesso. It's hard to get darks and contrast, but the "old boys" used white ink or white charcoal for the highlights, so that should help.
I am really hooked on this silverpoint. But I'm not sure about the toned paper. Maybe I made it too dark.
Last night, my kids and I were sitting in the living room and I said to them , 'I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug. They got up, unplugged the Computer, and threw out my wine.
They are SO on my shit list ...
Saturday, March 12, 2011
I scanned three more of the old negatives from Bondurant. I bet the house is still there. Does anyone recognize it?

Friday, March 11, 2011
Now playing on my iPod Ion Tyson "Four Strong Winds"

Just a silly still life I set up to photograph one time.
My cousin in Adelaide, Australia e-mailed me with the New York Times article about the quality of the air here. Also listened to Cat's radio interview on the subject. She did such a good job.
There was a pickup in my driveway this morning and several people unloading sacks of dog food. Barrie wasn't able to get what she needed in Idaho Falls. So Jerry Bath, from Lander, brought her over some today.
My big brother's birthday is today, and I just finished talking to him. They are in Arizona, right on the river and never know for sure what time it is. One of their phones shows Arizona time, and the other one shows Calif. time.
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Another KC Argument
Barrie and Kasey went to Idaho Falls yesterday. The trip was mainly to buy dog food, so Barrie was really disgusted that Sam's Club only had three bags!
Kasey got a new swimming suit. She showed it to me, and I said "It's a 'Speedo'!" She looked at me in disgust and said, "Not it's not, it's a swimsuit."
Okay, I stand corrected.

Barrie got a new iPod Shuffle. Isn't it cute? I haven't even seen her yet today, so don't know how it is working for her.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
I have never understood why my mother dressed me that way. She could have purchased another three inches of material and made my skirts a little longer. She always insisted I looked cute, but I don't see it.

I was scanning some slides for Judi, and did a little more work on the box of old pictures I found. A long time ago, before scanners and digital photos, a woman brought me some old black and white photographs she had from Bondurant. I would put my camera on a tripod, upside down, over a photo and take a picture of it. Then I would develop the film. For some reason, I still have the negatives of these.
There are about 15 negatives, but I only scanned a couple today. Interesting.
Monday, March 7, 2011
I have done a horrible thing....cleaning out the truck one day I had an old icky barbie of kc's in my hand, and in the dumpster it went. I HATE those things! Well she missed it about a month later. Mom did you throw my barbie away?(does she know me or what?) not wanting to fess up i told her maybe when lance and newton borrowed the truck, they accidently grabbed it with their stuff....I should have told the truth.

We found this photo of Newton at the start of the Iditarod in Anchorage. Barrie showed it to Kasey, and Kasey said, "He's got my Barbie!"
Sunday, March 6, 2011

This stretch of highway over South Pass almost makes me believe the earth is flat. One time when I was on my way home, I was listening to a tape - one of those twangy country singers, and he was singing "Send Me The Pillow That you Dream On." I was on this flat stretch of highway, and could see something in the road ahead. It was a pillow! I kid you not, a pillow was laying on the highway. Creepy!
Friday, March 4, 2011