Wednesday, July 20, 2011


My dead tree. There is another one behind it that is just as dead. RIP, pine trees. My house will look naked without them in my front yard.
Another funny picture I found on the Internet.

My my old sketchbook. Poor judgement on my part. I started to draw the old pump in my yard, and ran out of paper. So I taped some more paper on the bottom.


Quiet at art group today. Vicky and I were the only ones there for a while, then Joan D joined us. So good to see her. We visited about her girls being in kindergarten.

Barbara brought a picture of the quilt the group of ladies at the senior center made. It is a beautiful piece of art.


I think I need hearing aids. This morning, the guy who comes to the senior center checked my ears and removed a lot of wax. I guess my hearing improved, but still think I need aids. The guy is only here once day a month, so maybe next month I'll be getting fitted with some. Barrie would like it if she didn't have to listen to my iPod downstairs because it's too loud.

1 comment:

Judith Angell Meyer said...

::Grin:: I love your improvisation!