So COLD this morning!! If Barrie hadn't already had my pickup started and warming up, I might have been tempted to stay home from art group!
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I posted some pictures of paintings from others in the group earlier, but didn't get pictures taken of Vicky's work. The framed one is an oil painting she did sometime in the past. She is doing such beautiful work.
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I just made motel reservations for three nights in West Yellowstone for the sled dog race. Barrie and Kasey and I will go tomorrow morning.
We are expecting it to be so darned cold that Kasey and I might end up spending a lot of time in the motel room while Barrie is out freezing her you-know-what. So I will be taking my computer, some watercolors and drawing stuff, and some books. I'm not sure what Kasey will need. Books for sure, crayons and paper, and maybe some of her movies on DVD to watch on my computer.
Our furnace didn't come on this morning, and Barrie had to go down and tap the black plastic thingie like they showed us. That is the third time we have had to do that, so I called them this afternoon to come replace the part. Probably won't get it done until next week, because we will be gone until then.
Someone came into the art room at the senior center today and announced that the crows were attacking a red pickup. My first thought was that there were meat scraps in the back from when Barrie trims meat she gets for her dogs. Instead, it was two black plastic garbage bags of cans for the recycling center. A bunch of ravens had gathered and were trying to get into the bags to see if there was anything good in them. Funny birds, but a little spooky, too.