Thursday, April 30, 2009
Road Trip Tomorrow
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wednesday - Snow

This was the view this morning out my upstairs bedroom window across the hay meadow to Pine Creek.

Someone sent Barrie this photo and she sent it to me. It is titled "Why Trampolines are not Safe in Idaho".
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Windy Tuesday

I have a vine on the south side of my house that turns a beautiful deep red color in the fall. I don't know what it is called

Another older picture. This is Tracy when she rode in Rendezvous one year.
I'm preparing a new watercolor painting to work on in art group tomorrow. I have the log cabin image transferred to the paper and am applying some miskit to it. It is on paper I don't usually use, and I will be using my Daniel Smith watercolors, which are pretty new to me. So who knows how it will come out.
I finally made a decision to buy the 3 in 1 cooker - the one that pressure cooks, slow cooks, and cooks rice. I've never used a pressure cooker, but I remember my Mom used one a lot. I already have a rice cooker, so I can get that out of my cupboards - and the old slow cooker is gone, so I should have room for this appliance. There will probably be a flurry of cooking for a little while. Hope I can make something good.
Some people call this "SPRING". I call it "The Season of White Plastic Bags Hanging in Trees."
Monday, April 27, 2009
Gloomy Monday
I've probably posted these photos before, I can't remember. When I had my attic remodeled, it took a full year. I was so sick of the mess, and the lack of privacy, but I guess it has been worth it. I love the rooms and spend most of my time up here.

This was the original little attic room at the top of the stairs.

For a time, I had no roof. And yes, it rained. They covered it with tarps, but there were some leaks.

The room finished. There is a small bedroom behind me, and a large bathroom to the left. Many changes have been made. The quilting frame has been replaced with drawing table and a work table. The little TV has been replaced with a larger one. And the plant got bugs and got put out on the ice.
It has been a dreary, cold day, with snow and rain once in a while.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Old TV Show

Barrie did some laundry this morning, vacuumed, cleaned out the refrigerator and took stuff to the dumpster. I decided to come upstairs so I wouldn't get run over.
She loaded up some of the branches she cut off my trees and is hauling them off.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
I started this painting a while back, and decided to work on it today. I can't paint snow or water, so need to practice. I may decide to work on this a bit more later, or I may decide to just abandon it.
I have already thrown away the painting of the rusty old car, and also one of an old pickup and shed. I also did some organization in my studio, so maybe my painting mood will improve. I have two new watercolors started, and am getting the old rusty car on paper to paint again! I just can't give up on it.
And I have committed myself to do at least one small value study per day.
Have enjoyed Judi's flower pictures. Here is one I took years ago and scanned it from a slide. It is Bitter Root.

The newest family member, Hadley. She is my great great neice, and Bill and Alice's first great grandchild. Wouldn't this make a great painting or drawing? Sorry, Nicki, but I'm not a big fan of the headband and big flower!
Friday, April 24, 2009

I guess I am done with this one of Hank's old rusty car. I don't like it as well as the one I did with no background a couple of weeks ago. Whenever I attempt to do the same subject twice, the second attempt never turns out as well as the first one. I have another photo of this car taken from a slightly different angle, and want to paint it.
I seem to be having so many problems with my values lately. I should try some paintings using just one or two colors - value studies. Maybe that will help me.
Thursday, April 23, 2009

I've always been interested in infrared photography, but had never done any of it. One of my photo editing software programs has an infrared filter, and I like to play with it once in a while. The top photo shows what it looked like, but not the orignal. I know I did some editing on this photo from the CCC ponds, like increasing the saturation, boosting up the yellows and oranges, and probably some more things. The second photo shows what the infrared filter can do.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Many Different Ways to Eat Spaghetti


These are old, old books that belonged to my grandmother. They were all published in the late 1800's. There are poems of Tennyson, Whittier and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. There is a book of Grimm's German Household Stories, and the book Lorna Doone. The first few pages of Lorna Doone are missing, so I don't know when it was published, but it is very old. There is also a newer one, published in 1939 with a collection of poetry.
I remember my grandmother loved poetry, and always thought I should read more of it. Now that I have her old books, I really should read some of them.
I have made myself stay downstairs this morning. I got caught up on bills and reconciled my bank statement, and sorted through some old photos. There are some old photos in my albums I should scan, but I get discouraged scanning them. Until I got a 35mm camera, they were all taken with a cheap little Kodak Instamatic, and aren't very good quality. I didn't get a good camera until Barrie was about four.
Kasey went with Barrie to feed dogs last night, and Barrie took her out and walked her around the dogs and let her pet some of them. She came home so excited and jabbered and chattered about all the dogs.
Monday, April 20, 2009
It was really quite easy to assemble the chair and it's much more comfortable than the old one. I am sitting in it right now, typing my blog on the laptop computer.
I'll have to keep experimenting with the adjustments until I get it to suit me.

Every time I write that it is beautiful day with no wind, I am soon proven a liar. Seems the wind comes up every day. I don't think the wind blows as hard at my house as it does up on the top of the hill or out of town where it's flat.
I did a little bit of work on a watercolor painting today, but didn't get much done. I spent too much time on the chair.
I finished a book last night, "One Thousand White Women". I enjoyed it, and and am wondering what I should start next. I don't use the library as much as I should. But I always check out more than one book and sometimes don't get them finished in two weeks.
Lynn, I really enjoyed your photos of the Beartooth Highway. My college roomate's parents had a ranch near Belfry, and I remember some wonderful times in that area.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Barrie got everything hauled out of her pickup and either brought it upstairs or put it in the basement. She is waiting for Kasey to wake up from her nap and will go up to her Dad's and unload her dog food into her horse trailer. She doesn't store much at her dog lot because of the mice. Then she and Kasey will go out and take care of the dogs.
Kasey was excited about her new shoes today. She had the white tennis shoes on, but took them off and was playing with them, the little pink sandles, her snow boots, and her two old pairs of shoes.
I took the Swiffer duster down, and she wanted to "help". She took the duster all over the house and dusted, mostly on the floor, but she also dusted the cat a lot.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

On our way out of town, we pulled over to check on Barrie's horse, who is pastured a short distance west of town. The horses and mules are sure enjoyinging being out of the snow and mud.

The Pedal
I have to brag on my granddaughter. Sams' Club and KMart both had fussy and crying children, as usual. Kasey was just "wilting" while we were in Sam's Club. But she does not cry or fuss. The only time she whined was when she got her fingers stuck in the cart. She was asleep before we were even out of Idaho Falls, and woke up just before we got home. She is such a fun and easy kid to be around.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Back to Pastels

This certainly has lots of things wrong with it, but as least I am not tearing it up and throwing it away. The eyes look kind of spooky. I got some new papaer, and also some new pastels.
The paper is Sennelier Pastel Card, comes in a pad of twelve sheets 13" x 15", and there are 6 different colors. I don't want to admit how much I paid for it. But it is sure nice. I wish I could use both sides of it.
I got very frustrated with the Unison pastels, partly because they are so soft, and partly because of the paper I was using. I hope I can get used to them. I'm using Rembrandt pastels, which are not quite as soft as the Unisons. I found a set of 90 portrait colors on EBay which I bid on and got.So with my old set, I have a good selection of colors.
Nothing special or even personal about this shot. I saw this cat on the ditchbank in my back yard and took his picture out the window. He looks like he's been in some fights recently. It's that time of year. All the cats are out roaming around. Now that it's safe for Kat to go out, she won't step out on the porch.
Barrie and Kasey and I are going to Idaho Falls tomorrow. We will go to Sam's Club and WalMart, so my credit card will be smoking. One thing I plan to buy is a new chair for my drawing table. This one is so uncomfortable. The last time we went to Sam's Club, they had a big assortment, and I sat in several of them.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I am so frustrated with stretching watercolor paper. I have some 300 lb paper that I soaked yesterday, stapled to a board, and started to paint a wet sky on it this morning. When I wet the sky, the paper buckled. I am soaking it again, and will give it another try.
We missed Vicky yesterday - I guess she went to Jackson. We not only missed her company, but we missed her "goodies". Pam went to the bakery at Ridley's and brought us some doughnuts. Thanks, Pam
Illegal income. Illegal income, such as money from dealing illegal drugs, must be included in your income on Form 1040, line 21, or on Schedule C or Schedule C-EZ (Form 1040) if from your self-employment activity.
Stolen property. If you steal property, you must report its fair market value in your income in the year you steal it unless in the same year, you return it to its rightful owner.
At first I thought this was a joke, but it is a real government document. I wonder how many people actually report their illegal drug sales or items they steal

I found this drawing in an old sketchbook. Lovely, isn't it??
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
We decided if they didn't go today, they might end up having to stay a week or ten days, so they decided to go. It was quite a trick getting that huge motor home out of my driveway. It kept sliding into the willows. Bill finally got it back up into the driveway and took it more less straight back into the neighbor's driveway. Then he was able to drive it out onto the street and get the pickup hooked back up. I don't expect them to have any problems getting to Riverton.
Wish they could have stayed longer, but I know they didn't want to be here for a week or so.
Barrie and Kasey went to the Aniel Daniel Chili Cookoff last weekend, and the photographer for the Pinedale Roundup took Kasey's picture. It was in the paper. This is not a very good photo, because I scanned it out of the newspaper.
Kasey is here today. She played hooky so Bill and Alice could see more of her, but now she is just hanging out with Grandma. I fixed her half a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and she ate that and wanted more. I should have made a whole sandwich to start with.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Alice and I drove up to see Lynn for a while this afternoon. Lynn and Alice have been artist friends for years. Lynn's house is so beautiful, and we all had a good visit.
We had steak, baked potatoes and green bean casserole for supper. We had cherry pie later. Not too bad for a bad cook like me.
When they were here last Thanksgiving, Kasey was pretty shy with Bill. She still hangs back from him a bit, but at bedtime she went to him and gave him a hug and a kiss. Maybe the fact that he shared his cherry pie with her had something to do with it.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Barrie's dog, Jarvi goes to work with her , and was the hit of the office when she snuck into another office and ate the dog biscuits she found in there.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009
Comfort Zone
I think both pastel portraits are ready for the garbage. I have been really frustrated, but I know I need to remember it has been over 20 years since I tried them. It's not like riding a bicycle - you DO forget!
Anyway, I have climbed back into my comfort zone and have started a pencil portrait.

Jennifer and Shawn

I have always enjoyed looking at this picture. I took this years ago at a family reunion. These kids are both about 30 years old now. Their mothers are sisters, and are cousins of mine.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Spring Snow

I have no TV this morning. It keeps attempting to acquire a satellite signal, but is not making any progress. I finally stuck my head out the window to look at the dish, and think I have located the problem! As I don't have anything to brush the snow off, I guess I will just wait until it melts.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dyeing Eggs

Finding Eggs