Sunday, April 26, 2009

Old TV Show

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I was browsing the channels on my TV set and found that the Lawrence Welk Show was on! So I watched it for a while. A real "blast from the past". I think the show was on in the mid-1950's. I must have watched reruns, because my parents didn't even have TV in the 50's. It's almost corny, but I enjoyed watching it - they all dressed so properly, suits and ties, haircuts, and nice dresses on the girls. And of course there is the "bubble machine".

Barrie did some laundry this morning, vacuumed, cleaned out the refrigerator and took stuff to the dumpster. I decided to come upstairs so I wouldn't get run over.

She loaded up some of the branches she cut off my trees and is hauling them off.

My slow cooker died, it smells like something burnt up in the wiring. I am looking at new ones on the internet, and am not sure what to get. I can spend a little over $100 for one that slow cooks, pressure cooks, and cooks rice. Or I can spend about $25 for a plain old slow cooker with high or low settings. Or I can just live without one and enjoy the extra space it took up in my cupboard.

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