Now playing on XM Radio, Johnny Cash "Riders in the Sky."The Prime Country Channel on XM is playing special Halloween songs this morning. I never dreamed there were so many songs written about ghosts, bones, the devil,and other scary things.

Another picture of the old home town. The former Prom Queen used to work here part time, the famous Derby bar and supper club. Good steaks!

This is the back of the building. It has been gutted by a fire. Evidently someone used the old gambling room, where Nick used to let drunk sheepherders and others sleep. The fire started in the old matress, so they think somebody was sleeping there. I wonder if it's haunted?

Another photo. I think I rode to the prom in the blue one.
Took over an hour to get my computer started this morning. The screen said something about damaged start up files, and looked for repairs. After a long time, it asked me to do a system restore, which I did. Then it started, but I couldn't get on the home network. Restarted it again, and I think I am up and running again.
My upstairs room is so cluttered it is driving me nuts. I organized a few art supplies, and now I am going through a huge stack of art magazines. I'm tearing out a few pages, and the rest will go to the recycling center. Stuff has to either be put away somewhere, or get thrown out.