Thursday, October 31, 2013


I'm going to have to close my drapes this afternoon.  Just too much sun shining in here.  Not complaining, though.

I printed out the picture of the penguins I posted yesterday and put it on my door.  Today, the housekeeper who usually cleans my apartment commented on how much he liked it, and I offered to print one for him to give to his son.

My next door neighbor, Nancy, came home from the hospital yesterday.  Her daughter, Karen, has been with her most of the day.  I'm told she had pneumonia, in addition to her heart acting up.

One of the things I threw out and didn't move here was my sourdough starter.  I should have brought it.  I am making my own starter, and it is bubbling away on the counter.  Kind of sad that I threw that out.  It got its start over on the reservation over 150 years ago.  Tracy's great grandmother had it, and she probably got it from someone else.  
I found this on the Internet, but it said "dog."  So I spent a little time with Photoshop and changed it to "cat".


Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I was feeling abused this morning - had to take a broom out and sweep snow off my pickup.  And I don't even have a broom.  There was one leaning on the wall by the outside door, though.  I wonder if my pickup felt insulted?

 There was a nice group at Art this morning, and Lenore baked a pie.  Maybe I go just for the treats and coffee!  Our order came in from the art catalog, and we now have a nice selection of mats, and some new brushes and watercolors. 
I just made a mess on the kitchen table by staining a piece of watercolor paper with instant coffee - spattered it on, and of course it went all over.  I am going to do a charcoal drawing of a bull moose on it.  Well, maybe. 
I have added a new word to my vocabulary, "lottle".  What a great word!


Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Had a light snow during the night, and everything is white this morning.  The sky looks like we might be getting more.

I have always known that Sublette Center was a popular spot for Halloween, and thought maybe I had better ask questions so I could be prepared.  No one EVER came to the house, because it was on practically deserted dirt street.  I'm told that kids come here by the droves, but kids won't be knocking on apartment doors. There will be chairs set up for residents to sit  in the hallways or somewhere, and the kids will just walk around with their treat bags.  Also, the Center will supply the candy.  I guess it couldn't get any easier than that!
I finished this watercolor of an old pickup yesterday.  At least, I think it's finished.  It is leaning up against the wall now where I can look at it and decide if I want to make some changes. 

I just read a news article about a guy in Phoenix who lived in a townhouse with lots of neighbors with dogs.  He was irritated by the barking dogs, and snapped.  He took his gun, shot and killed two dogs and four neighbors, then went home and killed himself. Good grief!  Wouldn't it have been easier to move??

Monday, October 28, 2013


Happy Monday!  It is chilly, cloudy, and windy today with snow in the forecast.  Yay!

They are getting some walls up on the new apartments.  A crew worked both Saturday and Sunday.  The guy in the yellow hard hat stood in front of the sign a long time, like he was studying the picture to see what they should do next.

I just got three new shirts in the mail, and a package of a dozen pairs of fuzzy socks. 
My brother Bill and wife Alice are getting moved into their duplex in Riverton  Alice is putting up wallpaper.  She said Bill brings four boxes of things from the farm, and they find places to put three of them. 
I kind of cleaned out the refrigerator and freezer compartment today.  Threw away some old bread that wasn't good to start with, and a carton of crystalized ice cream.  I also took a package of frost from the freezer.  I have no idea what is in it - I will let you know tomorrow after it thaws out.

Saturday, October 26, 2013


The "word therapy" gathering was actually kind of interesting.  Paul Jensen was there to talk about his books.  Only six residents were there.   The woman who brings Ruth didn't think we would meet because Nancy wasn't there, so Ruth was late arriving.  And Betty Jo was taking a nap, so she was late too.  And they both asked questions that Paul had already covered, but he was very patient with them.

When I got home, I got on Amazon, and ordered the Kindle version of one of Paul's books.  He had read parts of it aloud to us, and I thought it sounded good.

I think Netflix is going to be bad for me.  I haven't washed dishes for two days!  And today I checked to see what TV programs they had, and discovered they had a series of old Columbo shows. Love that program!
Maybe this is why I am having so many problems getting my cataracts removed.  God is trying to protect me from seeing myself!
The construction company is really getting in a hurry.  They even have a crew working today, on a Saturday.
The movie I watched last night was "Children of a Lesser God".  I saw it years ago.  It contains a lot of sign language, and I was surprised how much of it I was able to remember -- words like "fine", "thank you", "dumb", "home", "dance".  I was never very fast at signing, and the people in the movie really "talked" fast, so it was hard to keep up.  I think I still have my big book of signs at the house. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013


I decided to try Netflix, and signed up for it yesterday.  I'm not sure yet if it's a good deal or not.  But I know I stayed up too late to watch a movie.  The poor housekeeper had to wait on me to get up this morning to clean my apartment.  I'm on the cleaning schedule for 12:00 noon, but she is always early.

Karen Rule called this morning.  Her mom and my neighbor, Nancy is in the hospital in Jackson, and I had promised her I would help with the Thursday afternoon group.  Karen has the refreshments, and I will take cookies and lemonade down to the Heritage Room, and type up the program.  I think they call the group "Word Therapy with Ruth".  Not sure why.  The dictionary says therapy is something that relieves tension, and I don't think this works for me.  A beer and a good book would do a better job of relieving my tension!  Oh well, Duene.  Just be nice.

Saw Clair F. for awhile this morning.  She enjoyed having all three of her girls here.  She seems to be coping fine. 
I took a "virtual tour" on the Internet of the two houses Tracy and Paul are looking at.  One is in Eagle and one in Gypsum.  They are both beautiful homes.  Their house in Silverthorne is about ready to be put on the market - kitchen remodeled and  new carpet and paint.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013


I stole this photo from my friend, Judi. It shows the construction of the new apartments.  You can see where I live now.  My red pickup is parked by the door of the brick building across the street, top center of the picture.  So you can see I won't have far to move.   Today they have started framing in the apartments on the west side.

I added a few more details to the watercolor painting of the old pickup yesterday, but haven't done any painting today.  I got the laundry folded and put away (wrinkles and all).  I did the laundry last Friday, I think.  If I had two beds, I would dump the clean clothes on a bed, and just wear them until they're gone. 
I made an order to Dick Blick art catalog today.  I ordered a few things Conley wanted, a few tubes of watercolor, and a lot of mats.  I'm having it sent directly to Rendezvous Pointe, because it will be very heavy. 


Monday, October 21, 2013


Blogger still won't let me upload a video.  Maybe I'll go the Youtube route.

Barrie just instant messaged me from a computer in the library.  She said it was fun to go out Sunday morning, but next time we should go to Farson.  We are both hooked on that little café there.  I bet they serve a great breakfast!

I got a questionnaire to fill out about the apartments.  The first question was "What brought you to Sublette Center Heritage Apartments?"

I answered "age, stairs and clutter".

I have seen these fun facts before.  I can't help but laugh when I read them.  It is so true!
Yesterday my little weather station said the humidity was 17% in here.  I got my humidifier out of the close, and this morning the humidity reads at 31%

Here is the Youtube video.  It works, except it takes you to the Youtube page after you've viewed it.  Can't believe what a great toy this makes - a satin tie from the waistband of a pair of pajamas. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013


I am seriously working on a watercolor painting of an old rusty pickup from a photo I found on the Internet.  Well, as serious as I am about everything, anyway.  It's going pretty well.  I haven't done watercolor in months, and it feels good to get the brushes wet.

There is supposed to be a short video here, but all I can get out of Blogger is "There was an error uploading the video."  Sorry. 
I have started closing my drapes in the afternoons.  I love the south windows, but on a sunny day, it's so bright in here I need dark glasses. I never thought I would shut out the sun, but this is a little too much
I wonder where Mrs. Wormwood got those stickers?  I didn't know they made them either.

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Kasey stayed with me last night.  Barrie was going out with some friends.  They all went to dinner, then KC came here.

She told me this morning she hardly slept a wink.  She could hear people in the hallway, the heater, and snoring (me).  I was up a couple times during the night, and she was sound asleep on the couch.  So I think she was exaggerating.

The first thing she did was ask if she could use my colored pencils.  She drew me  a new picture for the refrigerator door.  Notice the shoes.  Heels?

Then she got out the iPad and watched "Blue's Clues" ( or something).  Whatever it was, it definitely held her attention.

KC asked me if I would help her go to the bathroom.  It seems the cat was under the bed, and she likes to jump out at your feet when you walk by.  Kasey really hates that!  So I walked by the bed with her and Kat attacked my feet.

This morning, Barrie and her friends were going to take us out to breakfast.  We decided on the Stockmens, and ended up with lunch, because we were so late.  We had a Bloody Mary too.  KC had a Pepsi.  I hadn't been to the Stockmens for a long time, and I wasn't real impressed with it.

Friday, October 18, 2013


They are busy as bees over at the construction site for the new apartments.  Looks like they are pouring concrete as fast as they can.  I'm not noticing any men leaning on their shovels lately.

I am caught up in the vortex.  The medical world has finally got its claws in me, and won't let go.  I had an appointment at the clinic this morning, and the doctor went over all the test results with me - the EKG, the blood tests, and the results from the echo cardiogram.  No one is seeing anything to be concerned about, but Dr. Fraunpreis says I will have to get medical clearance from a cardiologist before I can have the cataracts removed.  So now I have an appointment with a cardiologist who comes to Pinedale on Nov. 16.  So why in the he__ __ did I have an echo cardiogram?  Plus an EKG? 

I know what I DO have.  I'm developing a bad case of grumpiness!

I'm afraid I became social last night, accidently.  My neighbor, Nancy knocked on my door to ask me if I could help her carry refreshments down to the Heritage Room for the Thursday afternoon "chat", or whatever it is called.  She wondered if I had any cookies or anything.  So I cut up some cheese and took cheese and crackers.  And of course I stayed for the program.  Katharine Collins, who used to report for the Casper Tribune was there, and spoke about some of the court cases she covered in Pinedale, and we talked about scandals and murders that took place here.  It was interesting, and I enjoyed hearing her tell about her time spent in Mexico.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wednesday lunch at The Pub

After art group today, Judi, Vicky, Susan, Lenore and I went to The Pub for lunch.  Delicious, and I brought half of mine home.

Happy and exciting news from Colorado yesterday!  My son-in-law, Paul was appointed a judge by the governor of Colorado.  He has worked so hard for this, and I'm very proud of him!
They will be moving, probably to Eagle, CO.  They have been working on getting their house in Silverthorne ready to put on the market. 
After lunch at The Pub, we went shopping for videos.  When the Great Outdoor Shop quit renting videos, they moved them all over to the old Harrower Building.  It's not really open - someone from The Great Outdoor shop will go over with you.  There were lots and lots of both VHS tapes and DVD's.  I didn't buy anything, but I found about a dozen for Susan and Vicky. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Just finished baking some lemon cookies - some for Barrie and Kasey, and some for art group tomorrow.  A super simple recipe, a lemon cake mix, a couple of eggs, and some vegetable oil.  But I have no idea what they taste like.  I'll try one when Barrie and KC get here later.

I promised not to talk about what I had for supper last night, but can't help myself.  I grilled chicken breasts.  I've said before, but keep forgetting, that I am never again buying boneless, skinless chicken breasts.  It's like eating cardboard.  'Nuff said.
Poor old girl!  I wonder how Ken has held up?


Monday, October 14, 2013


Last night I dreamed I married a pilot who had one arm amputated.  Barrie introduced us.  Where on earth do dreams like this come from?  Of course I was about thirty years old in the dream.  I was still tired when I woke up this morning.  I wonder what  his name was?

I listened to all the John Denver songs on my iPod yesterday.  Both my girls stick their fingers down their throats when I play his music around them, but I still like his songs and  his voice. 
When Tracy worked in Aspen, she worked for John Denver in the Windstar Foundation, which he founded to conserve and protect land in Colorado.  I don't think she knew him well, but she didn't like him then, either.  She said he wore " high water corduroy bell-bottom pants".  
And here is something I hope I don't dream about tonight!  Seems there is a guy named  Leonardo DeGrato, an Argentine painter whose talented sinuses allow him to snort liquid into his nose and squirt it out of his tear-ducts. He works by inhaling watercolor paint and spraying it on canvas. They even have a video of him doing it.
Somehow, I don't believe this will catch on.
I get the dictionary word of the day on my computer daily.  This is what I got yesterday:

snollygoster: a clever, unscrupulous person.



Saturday, October 12, 2013


I skipped breakfast today --- mostly because it was closer to lunch time when I got up.  That bed just wouldn't let me go.

I stayed up way late watching a movie, "The American President" with Michael Douglas and Annette Bening.  Our government is so screwed up, and this movie seemed like a good thing to lose myself in.

Mary, my neighbor across the hall, turned 97 this week.  She told me she partied for three days, they sang Happy Birthday to her at the sing-a-long, and sang to her in the dining room and gave her a glass of wine.  Then her son took her out to dinner at Half Moon. She  had just come back from Rendezvous Pointe, where someone cut her toenails for her.  She is such a busy little thing, and likes to take part in everything.
Then there's me. 
I found a picture of my snowbird friend Judi on the Internet the other day.  (See her blog.)
I also found a picture of myself:

Friday, October 11, 2013


I just checked the online photo gallery I have with  The gallery with the WWII images from New Guinea is still being viewed every day and people are still leaving comments.  Most of them are asking if anyone knew their father, uncle, etc. who served in New Guinea. 

James, the housekeeper who cleaned my apartment yesterday is an interesting guy.  He asked me if I liked to have the top of the sheet folded down, did I want him to move things to dust, and even if I wanted him to clean the litter box. He is a musician, has played in bands (guitar), and used to own a recording studio in San Francisco. I'm not sure how he ended up in Pinedale.  I know he has an ex-wife and a son here, so maybe that's why.  He wears rubber gloves constantly, even when he folds clean laundry.
I have part of Kasey's Christmas present ordered.  She loved to play with my magnifying glass, which I brought with me when I moved.  So I got her one.
The other thing she loves to play with here is my little glass "bluebird of happiness".  So I am getting her one for her own.
Here is a picture of my bluebird, taken back in the days when I was into creative photography.

I left some items in my "cart" the last time I shopped on Amazon.  I got this message today:  
 "2.17 fl oz. Refresh Tears Lubricant  Eye Drops has increased from $26.89 to $2,71900."
 I guess maybe I won't order those!!


Tuesday, October 8, 2013


My cat must not be of Greek descent.  She refused to eat the cat food with olive oil drizzled over it.  I gave up this morning, dumped her food, washed the bowl, and gave her plain old dry cat food.  She was pretty happy about it.

I had an echocardiogram at the clinic yesterday.  A team of doctors (teenagers, I think!) come from Salt Lake once a month to do this in Pinedale.  Simple procedure, for me, but I imagine the equipment they were using cost as much as a house.  They will send it all to a lab somewhere, and the results will be sent back to my doctor in Pinedale. 
They said they found nothing to be concerned about, but that one valve was slightly smaller than the other.  They told me I should probably be checked again in two or three years.  The results of the other test results that were done at the clinic are in, and I have an appointment next week.
The eye doctor in Rock Springs will then get medical clearance to continue with the cataract surgery.  Finally!  I guess I am thankful the eye doctor is so fussy.  I would rather he be overly cautious than careless. 

I have finally finished these pencil drawings.  I have posted a picture of the horse  before, but it wasn't completed. 

Monday, October 7, 2013


Well, that weekend was over almost before it started. 

Mary Lou Baughman and her daughter were here, and Barrie, KC, and I went out to their place Sunday for a visit and a delicious meal.   Steve and his wife from Montana were there too, but had to leave for home Sunday afternoon.

 Kasey, Kris and Barrie looking over the rocks Kasey collected from outside.

Good conversation, fun memories, and the wine flowed.

Ginger (the dog) made up with Kasey and followed her in and out when she was collecting rocks.

Mary Lou and Kris live in Colorado, but are planning to move to Bullhead City.

I read somewhere that adding a little olive oil to a cat's food would make their hair slick and shiny.  So I dribbled some olive oil over Kat's food last night.  It figures.  She sniffed it and walked away.  She hasn't touched it.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday - more snow

We had a good snowfall last night, and this is what the bushes out my window look like this morning.  It's beautiful outside.

As I look at WDOT updates and web cams across the state, it looks like there are many road closures. and the web cams show lots of snow.  And then there's the Pinedale web cam - still showing a beautiful summer day from a few months ago.  I wonder if they are ever going to get that fixed?


Barrie and Kasey were here for a while last night.  Kasey curled up on the couch with my iPad, and did a spelling activity.  She explained to me that a,e,i,o and u are vowels. 

Barrie brought me a box of things from the house.  The tops for my flannel pajamas  were in the box, as well as some shorts.  I kind of wondered where  my shorts were last summer. I wore them as pajamas last night!


My friend Mary Lou called this morning.  She and her daughter are here for a visit, and she wants Barrie, KC and me to come out to their place on Sunday.  It will be nice to see them!  She and her daughter are moving to Bullhead City.  She is on oxygen and says she got along without it when they were in Bullhead.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


I tried baking something new yesterday.  Snickerdoodles, you don't do a thing for me.  I'm not sure what they are supposed to look like or what they are supposed to taste like.  They are blah, and pretty tasteless.  The only thing I could taste is cinnamon. I took them to art group to get rid of them.  But I still have some at home.  Maybe Barrie and Kasey will eat them.

The trees in town are turning so fast!  The quakies outside my window are really yellow, and some of the bushes are bright red.  

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday -- address

I have what I need to renew my driver's license, thanks to some very helpful people. Talked to a girl at CenturyTel.  Their system won't allow them to use both a physical address and a box number.  So she changed the address to my physical address, e-mailed me a copy, and then changed it back to my box number for future billing.

Then I called the courthouse.  Seems my renewal slip for vehicle registration has already gone out.  She changed my address on it, and will send me a duplicate.

Now that's what I call service!

And in addition to all this, the checker at Ridley's was pleasant, and even asked if I wanted her to load my bags light.  What a day!!


This might solve a lot of our country's problems!