Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I was feeling abused this morning - had to take a broom out and sweep snow off my pickup.  And I don't even have a broom.  There was one leaning on the wall by the outside door, though.  I wonder if my pickup felt insulted?

 There was a nice group at Art this morning, and Lenore baked a pie.  Maybe I go just for the treats and coffee!  Our order came in from the art catalog, and we now have a nice selection of mats, and some new brushes and watercolors. 
I just made a mess on the kitchen table by staining a piece of watercolor paper with instant coffee - spattered it on, and of course it went all over.  I am going to do a charcoal drawing of a bull moose on it.  Well, maybe. 
I have added a new word to my vocabulary, "lottle".  What a great word!


1 comment:

Judi said...

Your first picture reminds me of Kat. Or what I imagine Kat would be like if she ever came out for visitors! Love the penguins.
Glad I could see your finished truck. I think it's your best one yet.