I'm listening to the Pinedale radio station this morning. I don't usually even turn it on, but was hoping to hear some news aout Garrett Bardin. Nothing new.
This is a place for my friends and family to keep track of what I am up to. I share my current artwork, as well as some from the past - and also my photography, including some old photos.
I'm listening to the Pinedale radio station this morning. I don't usually even turn it on, but was hoping to hear some news aout Garrett Bardin. Nothing new.
This sign makes me smile. I don't think I ever noticed the "truck route" sign until I stopped to take a picture of the big sign. I sure never knew Farson had (or needed) a truck route!
Click on image to enlarge it so you can read the sign.
Still no sign of Garrett Bardin. According to the news report, many of the Rainbows are organizing groups and are helping search. I feel so badly for Bardy, Carol and Taylor.
There used to be an artist who lived here who painted moose - lots and lots of moose, and also pigs. Her animals were whimsical and comical, but they certainly had a lot of personality. My moose would benefit from hanging out with her moose and maybe develop some character. And now that it is finished and sprayed, I notice one of the tines on his left antler crosses over the right antler. Good Grief! I don't think I can fix it.
In the courtyard behind the four bells
The original church, which was destroyed by an earthqake. About 40 Indian worshippers were killed, and it was never rebuilt.
The pond (full of Koi), and the front of the mission, showing the arches where the four bells are located. The ruins of the old church are on the right.
Last October, Tracy and Paul took me to Newport Beach, CA. It was not my first time flying, but it was the first time I had flown in a large jet. I loved it!
Although it was smoky from the wildfires, we did a lot of sight-seeing, we had fun, and the smoke cleared out somewhat in a day or so. We ate a lot of wonderful food, went to the beach, wandered around through Blaboa Beach, Newport Pier, and other places. We spent almost a whole day at the old Mission San Juan Capistrano.
A view of the Grand Canyon from 38,000 feet. I rode a mule to the bottom of the canyon years ago.
I loaded the picture onto the computer and opened it in my Photoshop program. I cropped it, and made some adjustments to turn it into a silhouette.
Then I opened a photo of a sunset sky and replaced the plain sky with the sunset.
Judi mentioned in her blog that her lilacs were going to bloom. Mine are too!! I was so surprised! I thought a couple of nights of 27 degrees would have frozen the buds. They aren't very big blooms, but at last they are there. They smell so good!
I said I didn't buy anything fun at WalMart, but I did buy a healthy looking Patio Tomato plant. I had one several years ago that lived in front of my south facing dining room window. It lived two years and produced a lot of tomatoes. They weren't too large, but they were not the little cherry tomatoes. I hope this one does well.
I added links to blogs I regularly read on the side of this page. Hope it works.
When I went to the liquor store last week, an older man with a little skinny grey ponytail was in there. He was wearing a bright orange tee shirt, bright yellow shorts, bright green socks, and tall boots. When I looked at him, he said "I dressed myself". Turns out he is a friend of Bubba's. I'm sure you all know who Bubba is.
It was nice to see Cristy's blog updated with some new work. Cristy and I taught together the last year before I retired. She was such a natural with kindergarten kids, and I think we had a great partnership and I really enjoyed teaching with her. She made me a gift of a new sketchbook, pencils, and illustration board, urging me to get back into my art work. Well, it worked, Cristy! Thanks again.
What a day!! I am exhausted. I decided today would be WalMart day, and that I would drive to Rock Springs and stock up on groceries. I hope these last a long, long time, because I'm not going back! The traffic was terrible, and lots of construction.I really enjoy loading photos I have taken onto the computer and editing them with the Photoshop program. I have done some strange things to photos using this program. There are so many tools, actions and filters, and I have yet to learn them all.
This is a tree at the Homestead Living Center in Riverton, where my Mom lived for a while. Such a neat old tree, and I wanted to give it a "facelift". I replaced the buildings and houses with bushes, and I'm sure I did a lot of other things to it too, but here is the result.
Click on photos to view a larger version
When I was in my "knitting phase", I knit a bunch of socks. I pretty much quit on sweaters, as I don't wear them anyway. I do have some more sweater yarn that I just look at.
I finally started watering my lawn yesterday. It was so wet and rainy every day, then all of a sudden it got warm and dry, and my entire yard is a shameful mess. I haven't even cleaned all the old dead flower stalks out from last year yet. My yard is too big, and is on a side hill. A couple years ago, my quakies went crazy and put up hundreds of shoots. I decided to leave about the bottom third of my lawn, and quit mowing it. It is now growing a healthy looking grove of little quakie trees.
Retirement is hell! Too much to do and too little time to do it in!
Tracy and Rowdy, done in colored pencils on Stonehenge paper. My first colored pencil portrait, and a real struggle. I attempted too many layers and too much blending, and her skin ended up looking blotchy. Cats are easier than people!
The Marlatt Brothers baseball team, from Hawk Springs, Wyoming. This was taken in Chicago about 1929, where they had gone to play in a tournament. They are wearing unifoms loaned to them by the Chicago White Sox. My grandfather is standing at the far left, and my father is standing on the far right. Although they called themselves "brothers" two of the players were nephews.
Back in the days when I was an Indian (or related to one, anyway), the Indians were able to hunt or fish at any time on the reservation. I am leading out a pack horse loaded with an elk shot in August. This is on the reservation, and that is Steamboat Lake in the background. Boy!! Was I young then!!
The Rainbow Family is already starting to gather up at Big Sandy. There was a photo on Pinedale online http://pinedaleonline.com/ of an old school bus with a huge white storage type thing built on the top. It looked like it contained lots of supplies.
I wonder where these people all come from, and what they do when they are not "gathering for peace". I wonder if they have jobs or live in houses. Maybe I will drive up there next month - just seeing 40,000 people in one place might be worth the drive.
OK, I promise no more "out the window" pictures. This is the camera I usually use ( I have more than one body), and the lens on the camera is the telephoto zoom lens I like to use.
My brother e-mailed me the other day. My sister-in-law is getting ready for an art show in Casper. She is a very talented sculptress, and also makes jewelry and other items. Although I own several of her bronzes, this bowl is kind of a favorite of mine. She hollows out the goards and decorates them with a woodburning tool, original pewter figures, and pewter and turqoise beads.
If you would like to see more of her work, here is a link to her web site:
This buck is resting in my back yard.
Spring is a great time to take pictures out my window where I hang the bird feeder. The summer birds have come back, like this goldfinch, and they are easy to photograph, because the tree outside the window has not leafed out yet.
I watched the movie "The Outlaw Josey Wales" last night. I have seen it before, but everything else on TV looked pretty bad. I almost always like Clint Eastwood movies, and Chief Dan George is one of my favorite actors.
I finished reading "Uncle Tom's Cabin". I'm not sure why I've never read it before. I didn't expect to find it easy reading, but I was surprised how I got into it and it held my interest.
I am now reading "People of the Silence". It is about the early tribes who lived in the cliff dwellings in the Southwest. I am going to have to go back and read the first 150 or so pages over again. The books jumps from one group of people and situation to another, and with names like "Cloud Playing", "Ironwood", "Snake Head", "Night Sun" - and so on, I am feeling kind of lost.
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The Rainbow Family is coming to the Pinedale area next month. The plan now is to camp at the Big Sandy Opening. There will be about 40,000 of them. (The entire population of Sublette County is around 5,000) They were here years ago - up in the mountains above Big Piney. I don't know that they really caused any problems, but just the fact that this many people camp in one area in our mountains is scary. They claim to believe in peace and taking care of the environment. I'm pretty sure they don't believe in taking baths or wearing shoes. They kind of resemble left-over "flower children".
It's sunny and the temperature at 1:00 this afternoon is 69 degrees. According to my little "weather station" it got down to 34 degrees last night.