Friday, December 28, 2012


Kasey came home yesterday, so we had our Christmas last night.  Opened presents, and had a ham dinner.


These pictures are for Roger.  Barrie told Kasey that Santa knew she wasn't going to be home Christmas Eve, but he left her new Barbie doll here for when she got home.  You can tell from her face how much she likes it!  What a thoughtful Santa!  Thanks.

I gave Barrie and Kasey this Keurig drink maker.  Seems a funny present to give a little girl, but she can make her own hot chocolate or cider with it, and do it all by herself.  She made me a cup of coffee this morning.  We also have a variety of hot tea.  No muss no fuss.  Just put your cup under the spout of the machine and push the button. Nice machine!


MOM/Gina said...

Kasey is so beautiful.
I love my Keurig. It's about a year old now...I haven't much liked their tea...but the coffees and cocoa are great. I should add, I'm not much on tea anyhow.
Happy New Year you gujys.

Judi said...

Did Roger send her the Barbie? She looks so grown up.

Charmian said...

Beautiful little girl and beautiful doll! I always loved getting dolls at Christmas. Still do. Happy New Year!