My horoscope for today said I should make sure my work was all done before engaging in frivolous pursuits. I don't know if painting and drawing is "my work" or if it is a frivolous pursuit. I believe I'll consider it "my work".
I am baking another loaf of sourdough beer bread today. I start it in the bread machine, but take it out for the last rise and bake it in the oven. I'm not sure why, but it seems when the bread bakes in the bread machine, it becomes dry and stale immediately. Maybe it rises too high and doesn't bake fast enough.
I am working on the drawing of a cow moose and calf, and sort of finished it yesterday. I put a lot of tall grass in front of them. This morning when I woke up, I attacked the grass with an eraser. Now I have to decide what I need to do to attempt to save the picture.
I got my new carbon monoxide alarm yesterday and have it plugged in. After Gina's scary story, I decided I needed one. Barrie said they were cleaning out a closet in her office and found one, which they will not use. So she is bringing it to me and I'll put it upstairs. Thanks, Gina, for nagging us to be safe!
I started on my income tax yesterday. I have one item I'm not sure how to handle, but other than that, it was easy. The hardest part was getting the box open with the TurboTax CD in it.
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And old photo, from one of the slides I scanned. This was taken from the top of Little Sheep Mountain. The road you can see near the bottom of the picture is the Gyp Creek Road. There is a lake up in the low spot in the mountain, but you can't see it. I think it was called Sheep Mountain Lake maybe? It was about a two hour horseback ride up to it. The Game and Fish used to spawn up there, but now I don't remember what kind of fish were in it. The lake didn't have an outlet. There was a hole out in the middle of it, and the water came out of a sidehill lower down. I'm pretty sure it was Gyp Creek. Maybe Hank can correct me if I don't have my facts straight. I think he is pretty familiar with the area.

I don't even put bird feeders out any more, except for my upstairs window. Too many cats. Finches are one of my favorite summer birds.