I have one of those "
Aero Gardens" (as seen on TV), and Kasey and I planted some snow peas in it. One pod didn't come up, but the others are really growing. I got out the little instruction book that came with them today. Found I had to thin them so there was only one plant per pod, and also put the little soft wire supports around them. Then I read that the blossoms must be self pollinated, with my hand, and only when the lights are on.
It wasn't until I read "only when the lights are on" that it struck me as funny.
Rollie, no comments, please!
Mike called this morning. Said the system in my computer is corrupted, and that he would have to reinstall everything. He asked if he could put System 7 on it (I had Windows
XP). He said it might have been a virus, or that Microsoft itself may have caused it. He said that when Windows does an automatic update, especially with the
XP operating system, that something sometimes happens.
I think everything on the hard drive has been backed up. I have an external hard drive that it backed up to on a regular basis. Mike said, to be on the safe side, that he would back up the documents folder and my pictures.
But when I get it back, I have to reinstall all the programs, like Office,
Photoshop, Quicken, etc. That will be time consuming, and a pain in the A****.