Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I have no new pictures to post today. I took my compact camera with me to art group at Rendezvous Pointe and never took a picture. We have so many new works of art up on the wall. Maybe next week I'l get some photos.

Sirius XM Radio has totally redone all their chanel numbers. I finally got on the XM website today to find the numbers of my favorite chanels. What I used to hear on Chanel 17 is now on Chanel 58.

I had my pickup radio set up with my six favorite chanels. Now I have to change it all, which means I have to get out the manual to see how to set them.

Every summer I have to study the controls and learn how to use the air conditioner.

I started a new watercolor today with the set of Daniel Smith triads "Winter Creek."


My favorite elf cleaned my rooms again this morning while I was gone. Thanks, Elf!

1 comment:

MOM/Gina said...

I like your Daisy painting.
Cat's bunnies remind me of one my girls raised on watermelon. He loved watermelon. Turned into a real pet..would jump on the table if you weren't paying him attention.