Sunday, June 22, 2014


Kasey and Barrie took me out for breakfast to Rock Rabbit this morning. Had a very yummy breakfast burrito.  I've never eaten in there before. 

It's been a very  long time since I used to buy Tracy "Buster Brown" socks and pants in the upstairs of that building (old Variety Store". 

 Yay!  I had one hummingbird at the feeder late yesterday afternoon.  She kept coming back to it until it got dark, but I haven't seen her today. 
This morning Kat was watching something on the ground out the window.  When I stood up to look, I saw a little mouse-like creature duck out from under the bush and back under again.  I just got a glimpse, so I'm not sure what it was.  Could have been a vole, but I think they are smaller.  Kat would be in seventh heaven if we had mice get in the building!
Kasey took her dead butterfly home with her.  Meanwhile, the caterpillars are growing, and are very active.   

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