Thursday, June 12, 2014


The domestic goddess (me) fixed spaghetti for supper last night.  I was going to have garlic bread with it, so got the bread prepared and put it under the broiler.  It's not my fault KC wanted to see cat go outside.  It doesn't take long for that stuff to catch on fire, with six inch tall flames when I opened the oven door!

The smoke alarm didn't even go off, the flames quickly died down, and I had more bread.  It was all good.

I sent Kasey outside with some stale bread to scatter around for the birds.  This is what she found.  Isn't it beautiful.  I don't know what kind of butterfly it is.  I think I've seen it, or one just like it, flitting around outside my window.  Its wings are tattered and torn, and it can't fly any more.  I thought it would die overnight, but Kasey came in this morning with it in a small cooler with some flowers.  It seems to be eating. 

Because of this, I remembered hatching Painted Lady butterflies in Kindergarten, and ordered one of the kits for Kasey.


James cleaned my apartment today.  There are some changes being made here.  Seems someone has quit.  Xiau Ling is taking over their job, and won't be cleaning my place any more.  Kat will sure miss her!  I don't know who will be cleaning here yet, but I bet they won't let Kat intimidate them.  Guess I'll just wait and see.


Has anyone ever tried this?  Sounds too simple and too easy to be true.  I think I'll try it, but with fewer eggs.  No need to ruin a dozen.  I'm pretty sure these won't burst into flame in the oven.  Will they explode?  Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Judi said...

Tiger Swallowtail butterfly. Beautiful!