Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

Stomping in the water.

Sunday, August 29, 2010
The sky got very black and the wind came up while we were there. I haven't been up today. It's kind of cold and windy.
There were campers and trailers up there, but I think the campers were all inside their trailers, or had come to town. But we drove past one campsite with three pickups, two four wheelers, a boat, and some guys drinking beer. And guess what - the pickups had County 23 plates. Some locals celebrating that many of the tourists have gone home?

Saturday, August 28, 2010
I've seen some blackbirds gathering together in a flock, being very noisy and arguing about who gets to be the leader when they leave.
There are some yellow leaves around, and my caragana bushes are popping their seed pods and scattering seeds so Barrie can kill them next year. It's interesting when the ones by the garage roof start to throw their seeds. They pop off on the metal roof, making a "ping" sound when they hit, then they roll down the roof, "pinging" as they go. It's very noisy!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Kasey's dahlia's have gone crazy. It's going to be sad when they freeze.

Years ago I dug up some Butter and Eggs and planted in my back yard. Then I tried to get rid of them for years. We just let them go this year, and they look really pretty. Sometimes they get bugs so bad it almost ruins them, but this year they look good, and have spread across the hillside behind the house.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

We got kicked out of Rendezvous Pointe this morning. They had burning wires somewhere. The County Maintence crew was there looking for it, and they hadn't found anything yet.
Haven't seen any smoke this afternoon, so I guess the building didn't burn down. I don't know if they got it taken care of before people showed up for lunch or not.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010
Tracy called this morning. They have a campsite reserved at Fremont the 28th through Labor Day. She's not sure they are going to be able to make it because of things going on in their life right now. Good things, not bad things. And no, she's not pregnant!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Here is one of the California Golden that were in the lake.
Got a new catalog last week with lots of clever tee shirts.
Big repair jobs. The TV still doesn't work. I'm sure it's hooked up correctly, but still can't record from the TV to a DVD. I wonder if the AV cables could be bad?
The laptop battery - hmmm works fine when I make sure the battery compartment is locked. I put two little pads of sticky notes under the edge of the computer to give it better ventilation. When I did that, the battery slipped out. I put it back in, made sure the lock was pushed all the way over, and it is fine. Now THAT was a high-tech repair job.
The keyboard downstairs is just sitting there, waiting for me to try some new batteries as soon as I buy some. Now I have this little sneaky feeling bugging me. What if I put the batteries in backwards?
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Kasey, enjoying the beaches of Pinedale this morning. My red hollyhock is in bloom.

I have no idea what this vine is. I'm sure it's a bad weed. I've had it in my yard for years and have tried to get rid of it. This year we just let it grow. I kind of like it.
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Kasey sure likes her flowers. She is watering her petunias.
Barrie took Kasey to the Catholic Church Rummage Sale this afternoon. Barrie did find some good stuff, like expensive dog kennels. But they also got some "just plain fun" stuff. Kasey loves her new shoes. Barrie thought she could wear those things to go out and move the sprinkler.
Kasey wore her new shoes into the house, and Barrie left the silver things out in the yard for Shorty to play with.
I have another one-up. Barrie says her dad fell off a ladder and hurt his ear. OK, let's just forget a little measly plastic plant fell off a shelf on my head. I lead a very boring life. (Thank goodness!)
Barrie noticed some sunflower seeds had been scattered on the couch, so she set a mouse trap and caught a mouse in the living room. Come on Kat! Earn your keep!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Kasey was playing in her stock tank yesterday. She got so cold her teeth were chattering, but she didn't want to get out. Barrie made her sit in the sun a while, and she hauled about 4 big buckets of hot water out and added to the tank. Much better!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Seeing if the two halves of the plastic egg fits together.

Kasey got a bunch of plastic eggs at Easter. All the candy is gone, and she loves to take them apart and put little things in them.
Yesterday afternoon the wind came up really hard and blew a plant off a shelf on the wall onto my head. It was a silk plant, so it didn't really hurt. Some of the leaves broke off and I found it was covered with dust, so I gave it a bath in the sink.
We had a power outage for three hours. Lightning somewhere, I guess. All in all, yesterday was a bust.
For all my friends who like to bake: How to Bake Cookies on your Dashboard.
Monday, August 16, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010
I finished "Travels with Charley." I was a little disappointed that he got tired of traveling. I could have read more.
I also read a book called "Ain't She Sweet." Yeah, it was just like it sounds. A mindless romance which I started and finished in one day. It was a break from reading Steinbeck.
Now I have a book with three adventure novels, "King Solomon's Mines," "Allan Qutermain," and "She." I have no idea what to expect from these.
I also have Larry McMurtry's "Streets of Laredo." It's the sequel to "Lonesome Dove."

I started a new watercolor painting yesterday, but haven't even touched it today.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Barrie took Kasey to the dance at the County Fair, and she had teenagers admiring her moves. Another night of watching a video on the computer "I Feel Like a Monster", one of Kasey's favorites.
Yesterday I put on a sweater and closed all my windows. What a wimp I am! But it never got above 63 degrees in my house, and that's cold for August.
A friend of mine posted this on Facebook a long time ago.
"It takes 7 seconds for food to pass from mouth to stomach. A human hair can hold 3 kg. The length of the penis is three times the length of the thumb. The femur is as hard as concrete. A woman's heart beats faster than a man's. Women blink twice as much as men. We use 300 muscles just to keep our balance when we stand. The woman has read this entire text. The man is still looking at his thumb."
Rendezvous Pointe is having a silent auction during the blood draw for the work of those of us who paint there every Wednesday. I've put off choosing what I want to put in it. I have three matted and framed paintings, but am not going to use them. I would have to put such a high price on them (to cover the matting and framing) that I'm sure no one would bid on them.
These are the three I decided on. Our art group went to lunch at the Pub yesterday. What fun! Conley and Buzz even joined us. Nancy Stott was there too. Good to see her.We wanted to see the mural Ruth R. and Kay M painting on the bar there. It's really nice.
Lenore followed me home to get a little water color book I had promised to take to her and forgot. She was very impressed with my yard. I get no credit for that. Barrie has made it beautiful this year!
For those of you who are bored today - here is a link to an article about "How to Tie a Knot in a Cherry Stem with your Tongue."
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Fresh Paint

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010
Kasey at the Fair

Talking to the roosters. Barrie said she was a little bit intimidated when they crowed at her.

Saturday, August 7, 2010
Judi's tractor