Enjoyed meetng with the art group at Rendezvous Point this morning. What a great bunch, and I always look forward to our class. We had a discussion about the problem of keeping our personal creativity and confidence while also attempting to follow what we see in books about techniques and learn how to paint the "right way".
Pam sent me home with a book about "daily exercises and inspirations for discovering creativity and artistic confidence." Exactly what I need, I just need to set aside time to do these activities. I have so many projects started, and there is not enough time in the day for me to do all the things I want to. Why didn't someone give us longer days when we retire??
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I didn't photograph the fireworks on the Fourth of July, but they also had fireworks after the last Rendezvous Rodeo. My pictures weren't that great, but I cropped this one, and was pleased with it.

This is an arrangement I have on the wall in my studio. I used to have several pairs of beaded moccasins, but the soles wore out, and I sent them home with my former neice to Ft. Washakie. She said she could get them resoled for me, and I haven't seen them since. I bought this pair at a pawn shop in Riverton.
Cat woes . . .

This is Dan - hope she comes home.
I got my two female cats spayed yesterday - a stressful day. First of all, I was presented with a $350 bill for spaying two cats. I was shocked! The charge for spaying a cat is $70, which sounds reasonable to me. But then there was a charge for $40 per cat for anesthesia, another charge of $35 for an examination for each, another charge for rabies shots - and I have lost track of what else.
Then, when I got the cats home and took them into the yard and opened the door to the kennels, they freaked out, got panicky when they weren't able to walk, and kind of flopped all over the yard. I think one squeezed through a space at the top of the retainer wall and fell down to the driveway. I couldn't find her and haven't seen her today. I can't believe that when I was a kid I wanted to be a veterinarian, because I don't deal well with all this.