This is a place for my friends and family to keep track of what I am up to. I share my current artwork, as well as some from the past - and also my photography, including some old photos.
Later . . . . I tried once more to get the desktop computer back in order. I had intended to start it in safe mode, but it started regularly and the keyboard and mouse are working perfectly. Weird!
Here ae two of the ornaments Judi made for me years ago. I know there is at least one more, but I have one box I haven't looked into yet.
Yesterday I think there were nasty little gremlins in my house. Or maybe the "little people" came down from the mountains. The mouse and keyboard have both quit working on my desktop computer. When I turned on the TV upstairs, the guide showed the same program on every channel. I finally took the "smart card" out of it, and when I reinserted it, it downleaded the information again and I was back in business.
Tracy called and said she wasn't sure what time they would be able to leave Christmas Eve, so plans are up in the air for that night. I told her we were probably going to have peanut butter sandwiches for Christmas dinner, as I haven't made any preparations yet. I plan to go to the new meat market at Obos and maybe get a beef tenderloin roast.
Kat wasn't too interested in the tree until it was decorated. She started attacking the ornaments around the bottom, but hasn't tried to climb the tree yet. I may wake up in the morning and find everything tipped over onto the floor.
Judi, the little salt dough ornaments you made for me in the past are on the tree again. Boy! how many years has it been??
A rope went into a bar and ordered a drink. The bartender said, "We don’t serve your kind here."So, the rope went outside, rubbed and rubbed himself on the sidewalk,and tied himself into a knot.
Last night, Barrie had a wreck downtown. She was making a left hand turn, and was meeting a pickup making a left hand turn. The lights were bright on the pickup she was meeting, and she didn't see the little white car coming. So she made her left turn and and got hit. Kasey wasn't with her at the time. It must have looked pretty bad - the shell camper was knocked off her pickup, and both dogs thrown out. She had two big buckets of water that spilled all over, so the fire department thought it was gas spilled on the road. One dog ran off, and it took Barrie, Kelly, and their Dad a while to find him.
Kelly (Barrie's sister") sent me this picture of Barrie and Kasey in the hospital when she was born. Kelly had titled the photo "Mom Glow", and she's right. Barrie is glowing.
The kitten ignored her new bed for one day, but last night she decided to try it out. She is all curled up in it today, sound asleep.
I can't seem to keep warm today. I think I need to change my habits - I turn the temperature down too low at night, then it takes too long for the house to warm up. I made the mistake of not putting a thermostat on the gas log stove I have upstairs, so I can't leave it on all night. It's OK for sleeping under a down comforter, but it is sure cold when I get up. The old part of my house, the downstairs, is drafty when the wind blows, but the upstairs is tight and cozy.
I can't remember if I have posted this before. This is one of the first pictures I took when I got my new DSLR camera. And yes, I took it out the upstairs window. This big buck hung out at my house all summer. In the fall, a bow hunter shot him while he was in the street about 8 feet from my back gate. I couldn't bellieve it, and both the Sheriff's Department and the Wyoming Game and Fish got involved. The hunter told me (standing in the street in front of my house) that he had talked to a game warden and had been working on getting that deer all fall. Seems there is a loophole in the G&F regulations. You can't shoot a deer on a maintained road - and that is the sticker. The street on the north side of my house is not maintained. The Sheriff's Department said that "of course you can't shoot a deer in town". But when they went through the ordinances, they found you can't shoot a gun in town, but a bow and arrow is not mentioned. The town attorney even drew up an ordinance for the town to pass, and it was discussed at a town council meeting, but nothing was ever done about it.
When my mother was failing, this scene became quite familiar to me. The road over South Pass can look kind of desolatte. This particular stretch, not too far out of Farson, looks like it goes on forever, to the edge of the earth.
I know I said before that I was disappointed in the change at South Pass City when I visited there. This is about the only photo I took that I like, and I did a lot of "tinkering" with it in Photoshop. Lynn saw some really neat things when she visited the area, and next time I go, maybe I will go with someone who knows more about what is there. I'm sure there are lots of neat old buidings that aren't in the townsite and that haven't been painted white.
A couple of does were resting in my yard this morning. This one almost looks like she is smiling for the camera.
I read this morning that the market value of Wyoming's public employee pension fund is down 25 percent, but they say the fund is having no trouble meeting its obligations to retired public employees. They have more than enough cash flow to meet all foreseeable and current obligations. Contributions from current employees alone cover the system's obligation to pay retirees. Puts my mind somewhat at ease, I guess.
Barrie plans to run dogs this weekend and has promised me I can have Kasey. Yeah!
Barrie sounds healthier. She is so pleased with Julie B. as a day care provider. She says Kasey won't even stop to say good bye to her in the mornings. She is off to join the other kids. When Barrie picks her up, she says Kasey is clean, rested, and happy. That makes life much easier for Barrie.
I remember Tracy cried every time I left her at day care or a baby sitter. But she also cried when I picked her up and made her come home!
I think I mentioned that I had ordered a new TV for upstairs, because I find the smaller one hard to watch, and I wanted a larger one. UPS left this huge box on my front porch yesterday. Something tells me this is NOT a TV!
The internet was down all day yesterday. It was working about 9:00 last night, so was able to catch up on e-mail and news.
I finally spent the time to attempt to reconcile my bank account (for almost three months). I had lost my check book, so had to wait and enter the checks the bank said had cleared on my statement. I couldn't believe it was only $5.00 off, so I had the computer make the adjustment, and it is balanced again.
Went to art group this morning, and there were five of us there. I started a new painting, which I haven't even ruined yet!
Here is the photo I took in the light box. I didn't post the one I did in natural light, but the bronze looked gray. I know if I really worked at it and practiced a lot, I would learn how to use the settings on my camera to get better results.
This little innocent-looking thing is about to undergo some training.
Here is the device Barrie found for me on line, and I have ordered it.
The cat discovered she could get up on the night stands and then on my bed. She thought she was in heaven laying on that down comforter with her head on my pillow! I got the spray bottle, and she would jump down and hide, but would be right back up as soon as I turned my back. My nephew also watched her and sprayed her. He got her really wet once, and that slowed her down, but she did get up on the bed again yesterday. Barrie found this for me on line and I ordered it. It runs on batteries, has a sensor that can detect when the cat comes through the doorway, and sprays a harmless odorless gas. They call it "avoidance training".
I know how tempting that bed is, and if it weren't for my allergies, I would probably allow her up there. As she gets older, I may need to set it on the kitchen counter and maybe some other places.
I have ordered her a nice little comfy sheepskin bed - that should help. And also ordered a scratching post. Can you believe me?